Several of the conservative voices at JU have been making jokes about why the democrats have not made any changes, after winning congress. Indeed, it has been fun to rail, tongue in cheek, about the lack of action on the democrats part. Not because they have not done anything (indeed, they have yet to actually gain the power), but to echo the screeds that have long assailed the conservatives over the last 6 years when they tried to do things, but were thwarted by the filibuster. And so many came to decry them as the "do nothings" (which in itself is not bad).
The democrats ran on a lot of things, and their PR arm (more widely known as the MSM) touted the win not on any particular domestic policy, but on the war in Iraq. The country was going to be saved! Thanks to the awakening of the American people who realized that the democrat plan for Iraq was far superior to the republican one. Hooray!
But apparently even the mavens of the Mainstream Media don't know what they are talking about. IN a recent poll, not widely reported (yet), it seems that 57% of Americans don't believe the democrats have a plan for Iraq! Welllll gawwwwwllllleeeeee. Bowl me over with a feather and pass the ammo please.
One can argue that the democrats cannot do anything yet (mostly true), and one can even try to argue that they could not advance a plan/agenda before because they were the minority party (tell that to Newt in 94), but hardly anyone can argue that the lack of a plan, hidden or not, is plain to all to see now (of the 43% that do not agree with the 57%, only 29% - less than Bush's lowest rating think they do have a plan). The emperor was not really hiding behind the "curtain". He really has no clothes!
In 1946, America sent a strong rebuke to Harry Truman. Electing a republican congress. At the time, it was opined that the era of the democrats was over, and the republicans were in ascendancy. But as any student of history knows, that was not the case. What was the case, was that America was tired of War time rationing. When the republicans did nothing, they lost.
Well, 2006, 60 years later, we are not suffering from war time rationing. But by the same token, we are suffering from an incessant drum beat of negativism about the war in Iraq. A negativism that has strangely gone quiet in the last few days. 60 years ago, Republicans were given 2 years to change things. They failed. Today, the democrats are being given the same time restriction. And given at least the republicans mouthed a plan back then, that puts them months ahead of the democrats of today.
The democrats will not gain power for 2 months. But if their flopping around like a bunch of beached whales are any indication, the can have another 20 months and nothing will have changed. But now they have fewer excuses, and still no plan. Basically what conservatives have been saying for the last 3 years. Sometimes a truism just needs the light of day (or gaining of power) to be exposed for the lack of clothing on the emperor.