Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on September 29, 2006 By Dr Guy In International

The number 2 bimbo in the Al Qaeda clown outfit has decided to call Pope Benedict XVI a "charlatan".  The statement is so rife with irony that it drowns the message of the real Satan.  Al Zawahiri.

Pope Benedict is a charlatan?  For quoting a 14th century emperor in a CLASS (not a doctrinal speech, a class)?  While the blood of women and children stain the hands, heads and essence of these charlatans?  Why irony!

Oh, so you say that al Zawahiri is not a charlatan?  He is a legitimate critic of the pope?  How ironic!  You have just painted the Muslim religion with the stain of innocent blood!  Wow!  I really want to put that on my resume!

It is time to stop this stupidity.  It is time to stop calling for the Pope, who has apologized, to apologize again.  it is time to recognize that, while perhaps not all Muslims drink the blood of innocents, the ones that are heard sure do.  it is time to recognize that until those "peaceful" Muslims speak out against the stupidity and idiocy of their current spokesmen, we have only the lunatics words to teach us of the religion of innocent blood.  The religion that preaches death instead of life.  The religion of heretics.

Is that harsh?  Does that sting?  Then perhaps you should (Muslims) change that perception.  Right now, that is what the rest of the world sees you as.  If you don't like it, only you have the power to change it.  Not the Pope, not the Grand Rabbi of Judaism.  Not even Bush.

Until you do, don't expect sympathy from the non-Muslims.  Actions speak louder than words.  And your actions say you are a bunch of blood thirsty heathens that only care about how much blood you can spill, not whether it is innocent or tainted blood.

You made your swamp.  Now you wallow in it.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 29, 2006
Until you do, don't expect sympathy from the non-Muslims. Actions speak louder than words. And your actions say you are a bunch of blood thirsty heathens that only care about how much blood you can spill, not whether it is innocent or tainted blood.

ditto what you said in shouted language!
on Sep 29, 2006
See, the thing is, it's all a language misunderstanding. When we hear them say "religion of peace" it's actually "religion of piece". They hack off a piece of you here, another piece there...
on Sep 29, 2006

good article, to the point and filled with TRUTH!!


Islam is the religion of maiming, torturing, killing, beheading, child killers.. part of Islam can condemn a woman to be RAPED!!

on Sep 29, 2006

ditto what you said in shouted language!

Sometimes words speak louder than caps, and rereading it, yes, I guess I was shouting.  But I am not going to appologize.

on Sep 29, 2006

See, the thing is, it's all a language misunderstanding. When we hear them say "religion of peace" it's actually "religion of piece". They hack off a piece of you here, another piece there...

Very astute and very accurate.  I guess it is the fault of the english language.

on Sep 29, 2006

Islam is the religion of maiming, torturing, killing, beheading, child killers.. part of Islam can condemn a woman to be RAPED!!

And yell peace while doing it.  No longer will I listen to the Grimas.  I will look to the actions.  I am tired of the Grima wormtongues!

on Sep 29, 2006
it is time to recognize that, while perhaps not all Muslims drink the blood of innocents, the ones that are heard sure do.

Is that a bad thing? I'm sure CNN just reported that that's what we serve at the Army chow halls. Maybe I should talk to the dining facility manager.......

(at the very least, it can't be halal...........)
on Sep 29, 2006
In case no one knows this, "charlatan" mean a joker, someone who clowns around or jokes around a lot, in spanish.

Good article.
on Sep 30, 2006

Is that a bad thing? I'm sure CNN just reported that that's what we serve at the Army chow halls. Maybe I should talk to the dining facility manager.......

When you point a blood stained finger in the direction of another accusingly, yes it does.

on Sep 30, 2006

"charlatan" mean a joker, someone who clowns around or jokes around a lot, in spanish.

Then he is not even that, for there is nothing funny about these animals that pretend to follow a religion.

on Oct 04, 2006
You know, this kind of article not only serves to inflame the few Muslims who think we're all infidels but to alienate most Muslims. A recent television documentary here in Australia about the way ALL Muslims are branded because of the actions of a few zealots raised a valid point: if a extreme Christian organisation decided to use violence and terrorist acts to get their message across, would all the Christians in the world suddenly be alienated because of their beliefs.

This may not be the populist point of view, but I'm sure if you think about it, this is a far more reasonable than alienating an entire group for the actions of a few. Very few Muslims are extremists, as are very few Christians. It is about time we started calling this small group for what they are: murders, plain and simple.
on Oct 04, 2006

It is about time we started calling this small group for what they are: murders, plain and simple.

I agree.  They are murderers who just happen to profess a certain religion. 

on Oct 04, 2006
if a extreme Christian organisation decided to use violence and terrorist acts to get their message across, would all the Christians in the world suddenly be alienated because of their beliefs.

Here's the funny part, because of all these child molesting and money stealing priest, the Catholic religion is now being considered a bad religion. At least thats what I get from how the stories are reported and from the reaction of people.
on Oct 04, 2006

At least thats what I get from how the stories are reported and from the reaction of people.

The same people no doubt excusing this bacteria when they cut off heads of innocent people.

on Oct 04, 2006
if a extreme Christian organisation decided to use violence and terrorist acts to get their message across, would all the Christians in the world suddenly be alienated because of their beliefs.

No, because unlike the mainstream Muslims the mainstream Christians would be very publicly denouncing such acts. There would be little doubt that they disapprove of such behavior.

If the mainstream Muslims of the world would simply stand up for what they believe in they would easily set themselves apart from the extremists in their midst. Their silence damns them more than anything.
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