We all know about Groupies. Those are the ones that glom onto bands and follow them to every gig. It is not enough that they hear the band, they have to foillow them. I have never understood them. Yea, I like some bands. Some to the point that I do follow their road tours. From home. But I dont follow them like the dead heads do.
I can watch them, and listen to them, but I will never understand them. For some reason, they have an unnatural obsesssion with their group. And I find that very sad. Perhaps they are lacking something in their own lives that defies a cure? Psych has so many diagnoses, that I guess there is one out there for them.
But as I am not a psych, and I care less about those with harmless obsesions, I guess I will never know.
Are the bands somehow re-engergized by them? I do wonder. I have heard about the sex part. But not all groupies are sex fiends. SO I wonder. What causes a person to become obsessed with a person, place or thing? Maybe some out there know?
For me, I will just wonder and opine about it. As I will never understand it. When confronted, I would tell them to get a LIFE! But then I doubt anything this side of a vegetable would ever be a groupie to me!
And in that I am glad.