Right or wrong, and I will not take a stand here, this is why there needs to be a national concensus. At the least.
It seems that a Virginia Gay Couple decided to go to Vermont to get "Unionized". 3 years later they split up. The Virginia Courts (not the most conservative, but definitely not liberal) adjudicated the issue and awarded sole custody to the Biological mother. The other fought and lost at every turn. Until she went back to Vermont. Where the Vermont courts are saying since they granted (Vermont, not the courts) the union, they have jurisdiction. Even though, technically, neither was ever a citizen there.
So now we have a standoff. The Biological mother can stay in Virginia and never worry about Vermont. But should she travel outside the state, the other state may be more ameniable to the Vermont courts and grant its ruling. In effect, one parent is trapped in a state. The other begging to drag the child into a more friendly state.
And THAT is contrary to everything the US is built upon. No 2 states can have opposing rulings on the same issue! For then it deprives all citizens of the rights of the United States.
Agree with either V, but you cannot agree that this Dilemna is good. And as much as I hate more laws or more amendments. It is time that we had one. Even if it is that the civil unions in one state cannot trump the laws of another (the worst scenario).
This is not good. And I cannot see how even the most ardent gay rights activist likes this ruling. It does nothing for their cause. Indeed, it promotes just the opposite. It emboldens the opponents to say "See? I told you so". Indeed they did.
For the poo pooers that said this would never happen, the future does make liars out of you, does it not?
And at the center is a child. Lest we forget. I think the principals and the courts have forgotten that.