Let it be known. I dont like Robert Wexler. I think he is a complete toady of the loony left. Let it be known.
But I saw the clips of his Stephen Colbert show, and you know what? I would like to have a beer with him! I still dont like him, but I do admire his willingness to once in awhile say "what the hell", and have fun! IN this instance he gets 2 thumbs up from me!
But not from some unfortunately, and many of them on the left. SO what is all this brouhaha all about?
Wexler is unopposed for re-election. Which means he cant lose. Colbert asked him "if you were opposed how could you lose the election", and then asked him to complete 2 sentences.
1. I like cocaine because.....
2. I Like Prostitutes because....
Wexler played along, and seemed to have fun. It is a comedy show after all. And I watched it, and laughed! He was such a geek! But he managed to have fun.
But today comes the left blogdom decrying how he had been framed, set up, and made to look the fool! No, he looked like a 40-50 something guy that had never been on a comedy show, but decided to say "what the frick!" and do it!
It is said the left has no sense of humor, and at least for the left blogdom, that appears to be true. But even though I dont like Wexler, I will laugh with him. And if he is ever in my town, I will buy him a beer!
Anyone with a sense of humor is ok for a brew by me!
Thanks Bob! For a laugh. Sorry some did not get it.