Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on July 1, 2006 By Dr Guy In Blogging

Gideon wrote an excellent article on the Liberal Bloggers he likes.

And I contributed my 2 cents.  We still have some.  Albeit they are a dying breed. 

It seems that the Australian liberals have a much better time.  Only one has been kicked off, and that was for his incessant desire to pick nits more than his views.  Still, I do miss him even if he never wrote an article.  But the rest of the southern side of America (or are we just he northern side of Australia?) that tends towards the (American definition) liberal side seem to be doing quite well.

So why the dearth of the American liberal?  For the most part, those who remain are respectful (with one notable exception who is probably going to get bounced soon any way - for a non political rant), and very different.  No two are the same.

But the ones who have been bounced are the same.  And that is the problem.  Not with all liberals as we have notable exceptions, but with many liberals.

Their inability to debate.  They are like babes in the woods.  They cannot debate.  When presented with an opposing idea, they discard it out of hand.  When presented with an opposing view they cannot argue, they resort to name calling and obscenities.  They are basically debate retards.  And (going into Liberal mode here) it is not there fault.  For throughout their lives they have been sheltered from controversy.  They have basically become veal calves. Milk fed and unable to make decisions for themselves.  Only able to regurgitate that which has been fed them.

Now, before the slings start aflying, remember I started this article on why the "Failed liberals of JU" are not here.  So please, keep your indignation bottled up.  If you can read this, then you are not a failed liberal, right?

Quite simply, while the liberals on JU might love a Smart Deer or a little Dab will do ya, the reality is they were poor and ignorant debaters whose most common comeback was "Jane, you ignorant slut".  IN a nut shell they are socially retarded.  Unable to deal with the real world due to either upbringing or education.  Some one failed them.  And as the education system is failing so many, it is hard to say where.

Fortunately, we do have some that have overcome the handicaps and are still here.  And do quite well (most of the time) in a debate.  IN spite of the failing education system that decided that feel good was worth more than knowledge.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 01, 2006

I'm afraid I have become the right's answer to what you describe here lately.  Looking over some of my comments in some of the more liberal blogs, I see that I've let the stresses and let down's of my condition get too me, and sadly, I've taken it out on bloggers I don't agree with. 

Thanks for holding up the mirror so I could see it. ;~D

on Jul 01, 2006

Thanks for holding up the mirror so I could see it. ;~D

We all let it get to us on occassion.  We would not be human if we did not.  But the difference between those liberals who are gone, and those that are here (and those conservatives as well) is that while we do lose it on occassion, that is the exception, not the rule.  As it is with you.

With the ones over at and our nearly departed is that they could not differentiate between the 2 and so never started or stopped.  That was the way they always did it.

on Jul 01, 2006
Interesting lessons there for liberals that want to learn them.

Insightful article Dr. Guy, keep it up!
on Jul 01, 2006

Interesting lessons there for liberals that want to learn them.

I think the ones that want to, have.  This is more an observation.  And I think at least the ones here at JU can read it and take heart.  They have not jumped for a reason.  They have a message and a medium, and do not see preaching to the choir as that medium.

on Jul 02, 2006
Most of the ones who argue the liberal point of view do a good job of it lately. The nutcases seem to have diminished and for that I am thankful. There are plentty of right wing nutcases as well and I'm glad to see those have diminished as well.

I actually agree with some of the liberal ideals, just not the way they present them or the way they seem to lack any clue as to how they should be accomplished.
on Jul 02, 2006

There are plentty of right wing nutcases as well and I'm glad to see those have diminished as well.

I aint leaving copper and you cant make me! Nyah!

I actually agree with some of the liberal ideals, just not the way they present them or the way they seem to lack any clue as to how they should be accomplished.

Actually, I think that they are accepting the dissent and targeting their arguements accordingly.  As are most of the conservatives as well.  Which makes both the liberals and conservatives here anathema to the other side as they actually make good points!  And can debate.  The loons (on both sides) never will convert a soul.  But some here may sway a vote or 2.

on Jul 02, 2006
Hmm, seems to be a little of the pot calling the kettle black, to me, Doc. I've seen articles where those you speak of are all lumped into the 'loony left' category. Some people just can't help but take a bait like that, can they?
on Jul 02, 2006

Some people just can't help but take a bait like that, can they?

I try to qualify it.  But then it gets really monotonous trying to qualify every statement.  I guess for those (and yes, those on JU know) who read me regularly, have seen it.  And I do not feel that repeating it time after time serves much purpose.

on Jul 03, 2006
I appreciate not liking to have to qualify everything you say. My beef sometimes is with blanket descriptives, consigning all who are left leaning into a single category.
on Jul 03, 2006

Hmm, seems to be a little of the pot calling the kettle black, to me, Doc. I've seen articles where those you speak of are all lumped into the 'loony left' category. Some people just can't help but take a bait like that, can they?


Youre absolutely right that it happens on all sides from time to time. Bomb throwing is not a left or right issue. But just as I would need to approach my audience with sensitivity if I were writing on a left leaning blog site like the DU, so you and others would be well advised to approach this audience with similar sensitivity. The advantage of numbers does give people less accountability for civility. A hard truth it is, but it's no less true because of that.

My purpose in writing the original article was to point to bloggers that "liberals", or those who find themselves (rightly or wrongly) labelled as such, some reasonable models for behaviour by pointing out bloggers who've managed to secure a great deal of respect from their opposition even while espousing a wholly unpopular point of view. I like the wide ranging discussion, and wish there was more of it.

on Jul 03, 2006

I appreciate not liking to have to qualify everything you say. My beef sometimes is with blanket descriptives, consigning all who are left leaning into a single category.

It seems that way at times.  But I was hoping this article would show that I do not.  When I rail against the "liberals", I am more often than not (actually almost always) talking about the kook fringe or the leadership of the American left.  Most here on JU do not fall into either category.  And are worthy of debate.

on Jul 03, 2006

My purpose in writing the original article was to point to bloggers that "liberals", or those who find themselves (rightly or wrongly) labelled as such, some reasonable models for behaviour by pointing out bloggers who've managed to secure a great deal of respect from their opposition even while espousing a wholly unpopular point of view. I like the wide ranging discussion, and wish there was more of it.

As was mine.  Yes, you inspired me to write it as too often we are fighting with the left and not congratulating them for their excellant debating skills and salient points.

Too often in the heat of debate, it does seem (and is just poor communication on my part) that we are lumping all in one bucket.  I hope with this that at least those on the left can see that this is not the case.  I appreciate the better debaters.  Those that can hold point for point.  We will never agree, but we gain a greater understanding of the other side and their passions when we read them.

on Jul 03, 2006
Hey I never realized I was liberal slanted until I came here!
It is tough at times on JU for Liberals both small and large since we seem to be so out-numbered.

By the way is the COL banned from this site now?

I do like arguing and hearing other points of views along with the weekly Bush Love-Fest that happens here from time to time.
on Jul 03, 2006

By the way is the COL banned from this site now?

I do like arguing and hearing other points of views along with the weekly Bush Love-Fest that happens here from time to time.

As far as I know, the Col is not.  And I would have mentioned you if your posted more.  But you belong in Steven's league, just a junior member.  Sorry for the omission.

on Jul 03, 2006
Bomb throwing is not a left or right issue. But just as I would need to approach my audience with sensitivity if I were writing on a left leaning blog site like the DU, so you and others would be well advised to approach this audience with similar sensitivity.


Thanks for this and I do completely get what you're saying. While I consider myself left leaning, I am certainly not out on the 'kooky fringe', as Doc puts it. I don't enter much into political debates here. The name-calling I find to be childish and counter-productive and I just can't be bothered. I do read a lot of what is said, though. Some of it I agree with, some of it I don't. But as I'm not a politically-motivated person, I would rather sit on the sidelines, for the most part.

I hope with this that at least those on the left can see that this is not the case.

Well, I can. But then JU is the only online site I go to, full stop. I also appreciate individual opinions, whether I might agree with them or not. We are all entitled to our own and an articulate, well balanced opinion is something to behold. I am not a debater, never have been, which is why I remain on the sidelines.
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