This is in response to Col Klink. As I have not read his article, I cannot say that he is totally incompetent, but I can say with authority (as I am an Economist by education) that he is indeed clueless.
First, the differentiation between micro and macro is the difference between personal choice and nation choice. That is, I chose to shop Wally world because they give me the best bang for my buck. That is Micro. America buys a lot from China because they are cheapest. That is Macro. In the end, the principals and the driving forces are the same. most bang for the buck. It has not a GD thing to do with who is in the Whitehouse (Clinton was during the rapid ascension of Wally world) or what policies (excessive taxation or tax cuts).
Seriously, Micro deals with the Individual and does say why they shop wally world. macro is how the Economies work - Taxes and non taxes. Each and in and of themselves, are different. But both are driven by the same principals. Maximizing the bang for the buck. On one hand, you have Casper Milquetoast. He buys a socket set that is made in China. Why? It is cheaper and of the same quality (difference in quality does enter into the debate but once discounted, it is the same).
Macro deals with what economies do - how taxes kill a recovery, and help - with the lack there of - with a recovery. Why does America outsource? Hint: Bang for the buck.
These are not new ideals. These are ideals that have been around for hundreds of years (Adam Smith anyone?). Keynes is dead as is Keynsian Economics. It has been disproven with empirical proof so many times that anyone bringing it up is either a fool or ignorant.
The simple fact is that man, unfettered (tariffs and restrictions), will maximize his purchases based upon the greatest value. taxes retard the spending through the Government devaluator model. So you tax more, you retard the growth. Government spending is by definition, a governor of the Money multiplier. SO the more money they have, the less the multiplier, and hence the less the jolt to the economy.
Tax less, and let the consumers decide what is going on with their money, and the more the money goes to the productive sources.
It is really simple. And sad that so many are so economically ignorant in this day and age. But I do understand that history, Arithmetic, and reading are more important for SOLs and NCLB. Yea , they are important. But after all, Econ is a Nobel prize. For a reason.
Maybe Col Klink should take a course and understand that he is really clueless. But I will not hold out hope for that.