Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on June 2, 2006 By Dr Guy In Politics

Just as Al Gore's stardom is about to hit stage screen and hollywood empty heads, along comes a report that sinks his ship!

Yes, that master of impersonating Chicken little with his "An Inconvient Truth" is being usurped by none other than his supposed supporters.  For it seems that the death and destruction that he and his ilk have decided to scare us with is not happening. 

Latest indication?  The Ozone is repairing itself.  Now some may say that is due to the ban on CFCs.  But they would be wrong, as only in the First world have CFCs been banned.  That does not Include China (pity).  But it appears to be another cyclical thing that is happening independant of man.  How dare the earth operate independant of man!  The audacity!

But she does.  She corrects things that dont suit her, no matter the influence of any species.

But Algore and his ilk are going to tell you "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain".  Or is that woman?  No matter.  For the very entity that they seek to protect is making fools of them.  But then man is not master of mother nature, and never has been.  And those that pretend they know her, are always left panting at the altar.  As has happened again.

Hmmm, seems I read recently where the north pole was tropical some time ago.  I wonder how man managed that quirk!  And without the hot air of the likes of Gore to Boot!

on Jun 02, 2006
I just don't know how the planet managed to get along with out homo sapiens for all those millions of years.
on Jun 02, 2006

I just don't know how the planet managed to get along with out homo sapiens for all those millions of years.

yea, and with all the warming and cooling!  You would have thought they could blame that on homosapiens.

on Jun 02, 2006
Nope, can't be, not happening. Nothing can be fixed without billions of dollars in contributons and a few thousand lines of legislation.