Ever seen the commercial where the vegged out guy is sitting in front of the TV, and his non-vegged out friends are trying to get him involved? I watch so little commercial TV, that when there is a clever one I do catch (I did see the Superbowl and those - even the lame ones) one, I remember it. Truth be told, I dont remember the product they are selling (in this case I think it was potato chips, but dont quote me).
Well, sad to say as I have gotten older, and my brain more fuller, that is how I approacch life. Keeping the important stuff and forgetting the irrelevant.
I did learn late in life, but not too late (thank you sons) that the important stuff (as Gideon will tell you early in life - I so envy him) is your children. After that, and the other family members (family is forever - friends are for now), there is work. Which with me changes daily (Latest - MS vs Symantec! I got front row seats!). Of course there are the distractions. Elliot Yamin (odd man out, but his appearance here sold out in 15 minutes).
We all have them.The priorities. yes, Family First (even if I do not agree with the radio commercials of that name), Work second, Friends, and loved ones.
And then comes what makes us appreciate the edenic nature of our private lives. The gnats and flies. Those buzzing things that torment us, but offer no real substantive value to our lives. When we are young we hate them! For they are the reason we cannot live in eden!
But as we get older, we realize that is God's way of showing us that we are living and how to appreciate the good times!
Right now, we have a beautiful, edenic weather! The bad part (the gnats and crap) is that it is too beautiful to turn on the AC and that is not good for my wife.
That will change soon enough. The gnats will still be here (in her case the pollens) , but then so will the heat and humidity. But AC takes care of it, and antihistemenes takes care of her allergies for now.
Yin and yang. Good and bad.
Some people will never understand that. You cannot have eden without satan to show you evil. Such is life. I learned many lessons late in life. That one, I learned early. The gnats dont bother me as I can safely retreat to a gnatless enviironment as they angrily try to penetrate what they do not understand.
let them buzz! We dont have to worry about their buzzing any longer.