The Duke Lacrosse case is falling apart. Clearly to most, it is a case of a drunk woman charging racism where none exist. But the DA, Nifong, has decided that his career is worth more than justice. Not unique, but unfortunately all too common.
The latest gotcha is that the cab driver, who has given a pass to one of the defendants has an outstanding warrant. What is that warrant? It seems that someone who hired him, tried to rob a convenience store, and then rode (not was driven - rode) away in his cab. So he is essentially a material witness who was never subpoenaed, but now is an accomplice.
The latest DNA evidence, under a Lee Press on Nail indicates that one of the suspects, along with half the population (male that is) of the US is a suspect. He could have caught her in her drunken stupor and she scratches him. But nope! Nifong has decided that since someone's DNA is a 50% match for one of the players (as is mine, yours and ours), he must be guilty. And the Cab driver? He told the truth, and for that, he is now persecuted! By a petty racist bitter small arrogant twerp who seems to be a DA. Seems as he has betrayed the trust of his office.
And 46 Duke Lacrosse players have lost a season. That is appearing more and more each day to be an anatomy of a smear.
It is a shame, both for the team and for real rape victims. For when this case is finally adjudicated and laughed out of court, so many real victims will suffer the consequences. And of course the innocents of the team will have lost at least a year (probably longer) of their lives, as well as a coach his career.
I do not blame the alleged victim. She was just trying to get out of a bad situation, probably of her own making. No, this travesty of justice is solely on Nifongs head, and he does not give a damn. He got his goal. His re-election. And a lot of innocents are laying in his waste.
Today I am glad I am not a North Carolinian. I suspect there are many down there that wish they were not as well.
And for the first time in my life, I do feel sympathy for the 'noblesse oblige'. Slam them for who they are, do not make up garbage.