So we went to see it today. And it was FUN! It is not going to win any awards, and for sure Tom Cruise is not going to get best actor. But love him or hate him, he was good!
The movie was fun, as it started out fast and never slowed down. But, alas for me, I figured all out long before the end. Yet I still loved it! And knowing the end did not detract form it in the least (I whispered to my son a hint that showed I had figured it out - he cursed me afterwards! It was not enough to ruin it for him, but enough for him to know "the old man" had done it again!).
It is pure escapism. Anyone looking for a message, check the tape before it self destructs. There is none. Phillip Hoffman is a perfect evil man! And you love seeing him being one! Crudup and Fishburne are great bureaucrats! And you hate them for what they really are. Pencil pushers.
While this movie will not get an Oscar, from an entertainment standpoint, I give it 4.5 out of 5. I will say that I was surprised in one aspect, but if I told you, that would ruin it for you. Let me just say that the MI characters were totally in character, so you have to watch it to figure out the wild card.