"Experts Agree They Disagree"--headline, Herald News (West Paterson, N.J.), April 14
I guess that makes them right........and wrong.
"Tom: Yes, Katie Can Make Noise During Birth"--headline, MSNBC.com, April 13
Katie had a come to Jesus talk with Tom!
"Student Can Recite Poem With Profanity"--headline, Associated Press, April 14
In training to become a drunken sailor?
"Sesame Street Duo Held in Crack Bust"--headline, Times Herald-Record (Middletown, N.Y.), April 17
Is this what they call the vertical smile on our derriere?
"Cow Stuns Experts by Delivering Egg"--headline, China Daily, April 17
Chicken union up in arms! Demand to be allowed to compete in the milk business.
"Cheney Stumps for GOP Candidates in Wash."--headline, Associated Press, April 17
He probably should have waited until after his bath.
"Is Texas Governor Angling for Shot at Vice President?"--headline, Dallas Morning News, April 18
Cheney better stay away from Hunting for awhile.
"Fish Finds Form, Takes Tennis Title"--headline, Los Angeles Daily News, April 17
Before or after winning the synchronized swimming title?