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Liberal Racism or a repressed, female-mysoginist who wants to attack a woman in power
Published on April 14, 2006 By Dr Guy In Politics

Lately it seems there has been 3 re-occurring themes being played out in society today.  Female teachers having sex with their students, School administrations that use zero brains in enforcing Zero Tolerance rules, and Liberals deciding that Racism is bad, except when they practice it.  This is another example of the latter.

While great strides have been made at combating racism in this country over the last 40 years, there seems to be 2 resistant pockets of it remaining.  These pockets defy conventional wisdom, but at least one is being marginalized.  That one?  The Aryan Nation and KKK.

But the other seems to be growing even as society is becoming more color blind in its actions.  And that is of liberals who think they can spew racist hatred with impunity.  The latest episode involves a supposedly enlightened teacher at a community college in Washington state.  He decided that it was fine to insult Condoleeza Rice by using her in a math question.  The question was originally supposed to contain a comic who is known for his antics in smashing things, but instead this math 'Teacher' decide to make a sick and twisted statement about someone whose politics he disagrees with.

That it happened again is not surprising.  But what is saddening is the lack of outrage from the supposed liberals who are supposed to be the champions of Civil Rights and against all things racism.  Saddening, but again not surprising.  As we are being shown once again that the only politically correct racism allowed is if you are a liberal, and the your target is not.

While members of the loony left will continue to idolize these racists as heros to their cause, most of the rest of America - the civilized part - can only condemn them and wonder how they can be so sick and twisted and stupid.

[Editors Note:  Title Changed to reflect a good observation by Sarah S.]

on Apr 14, 2006
i musta missed the part where the source of the offensive math problem was identified as either liberal or conservative or anything in between.

is there something you left out? or have you gone psychotic on us again?
on Apr 14, 2006
or have you gone psychotic on us again

psychic...i meant psychic.
on Apr 14, 2006

psychic...i meant psychic.

Yea, the edit function is still not working.  But either one I guess.

To answer your question, I am not psychic.  However, I can deduce based upon their occupation, and their taking a conservative symbol to make their racist point.  They could have used Cynthia McKinney, now couldn't they?  They chose Condi Rice instead.  It does not take an einstein to put 2 and 2 together and get 4.

on Apr 14, 2006
I agree with you, Guy, that it's a question fraught with racial problems. But I have to agree with Kingbee ... assuming someone is a liberal just because they're a college professor, and using that as a reason to bash liberals as a whole, seems like a bit of a stretch. You might just as easily argue that it's clear she's a repressed, female-mysoginist who wants to attack a woman in power. Besides, remember, it's hate the sin but love the sinner.
on Apr 14, 2006

I agree with you, Guy, that it's a question fraught with racial problems. But I have to agree with Kingbee ... assuming someone is a liberal just because they're a college professor, and using that as a reason to bash liberals as a whole, seems like a bit of a stretch. You might just as easily argue that it's clear she's a repressed, female-mysoginist who wants to attack a woman in power. Besides, remember, it's hate the sin but love the sinner.

My only bash on liberals was their lack of outrage.  However, as the opening paragraph states, this is just the latest in a long list of racist statements against conservative politicians by supposedly tolerant liberals (the slurs against Steele and by Ted Rall).  But I do like your explanation.  So I will note it as another strong possibility.

on Apr 14, 2006
based upon their occupation

using your reasoning, the woman who occupies a position administering the community college in question should be suspect of fostering 'zero tolerance' against racist math problems, no? based on her occupation, of course.

They could have used Cynthia McKinney, now couldn't they?

that woulda made all the difference? mckinney is outta control and deserves it. hell, why not mckinney and the stripper in durham?
on Apr 14, 2006
I will have to redefine my old stance that only whites can be recist into only white conservatives can be racists!!
on Apr 14, 2006

that woulda made all the difference? mckinney is outta control and deserves it. hell, why not mckinney and the stripper in durham?

No, it would have made no difference in the outcome.  But would have called into more question their political leanings.  As it is, I like Sarah's response.

on Apr 14, 2006

I will have to redefine my old stance that only whites can be recist into only white conservatives can be racists!!

Good redefinition!  But the race of this teacher is also an unknown at this point.

on Apr 14, 2006

Sorry Sarah, I also put into the body your attribution of my new Subtitle, but JU is being flaky.

For the record, Sarah Stoekl suggested the new subtitle with her insightful comment:

Liberal Racism or a repressed, female-mysoginist who wants to attack a woman in power.