Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on March 27, 2006 By Dr Guy In Politics

By now, most everyone has heard of the South Dakota Anti-Abortion law.  The most restrictive in the nation, and designed to specifically test Roe V Wade.  And most everyone knows it will end up before the Supreme Court.  But most everyone just may be wrong.

For the Pro Abortion forces have decided to mount a novel campaign!  If it fails, I am sure they are going to revert back to their old ways, but for now, they are determined to try to allow the voters of SD to decide on the law!  While one may argue that the voters have already done that by electing their elected representatives, they have decided that a few people do not have the wisdom to decide for thousands.

What a novel idea!  I wonder why the other 300 million people had not thought of that!  Allowing the voters to decide!  But unfortunately, most of the 300 million other folks have thought of that, and many would like to see it happen.  Many would not for they fear the tyranny of the majority.  Among the latter is - Planned Parenthood!

Now that the shoe is on the other foot,  they are all willing to let the voters decide.  Yet for over 30 years they have tried to stymie that exact act by forcing some UNELECTED people to decide the issue for all Americans.

While I applaud their latest tactic on the one hand, I also abhor the blatant double standard they are employing, and the Grima Wormtongue spiel they are now feeding the citizens of South Dakota.  This is not a petition to allow the voters to decide, this is a desperate measure to maintain a power base.  A power base that is built on the tyranny of unelected judges, and not the will of the people.

on Mar 31, 2006
Not content to fight the laws, now they are out to get any charity that provides counciling and not advocate abortion.