I have had the enjoyable task of listening to a couple of our Joe Users and their music output. Let me preface this with the statement that I love music (Wagner best, but R&R as well), but cant play a note! But I know what I like when I hear it (as Charles Emerson Winchester said - "I can play the notes, but you make the music!").
And now I know why the current American Pop scene disappoints me so much! It is garbage! Barely intelligible screeching by a bunch of over paid and over hyped clowns that do not hole a candle to even the music of the 80s (the worst decade before now).
I grew up on the 60s, matured in the 70s, ignored the 80s (for the most part), and came back in the 90s. And blecched on the 21st century! Until now!
I bought ParaTed's CD (and should have blogged on it before - my bad), and now have listened to the - I think he calls it the unmastered (Correction to previous post) - songs of Dynamaso. And found where the real talent lies! It aint being hyped by the paranoid schizoids of the RIAA that is for sure! But it beats anything they have hands down!
ParaTed's CD, while Christmas, is the CD you put on to snuggle with your lover around a crackling fire during a snowy cold night. It does not have to be Christmas, as it is just soothing and serene! And beautiful.
Dynamaso is more into toe tapping head bopping lyrics and melodies! It grabs you and forces you to get up and dance (and I cant!). It is so good, and the female of the band is so silky soft! It is outstanding!
I will be honest. I did not like one of the songs. But that was because it had too much cursing. (the Melody was still good tho).
So with all this talent, I am eagerly awaiting the Dharma Clark five! She said her family is talented, naturally, and I know it will be a great addition to the Joe User music tradition once she can herd those cats and get them to record!
Joe user, we have a great site with great debate. But there is prize in that Cracker Jack Box! Yes! We have some outstanding musicians that can make you believe in music again, and for your children, give them a taste of what Good Music really is without forcing them to listen to our music (Oh Mom! Do I got to?).
Congratulations to ParaTed2k and DynaMaso! And I eagerly await the next offering from our beloved Grande Dame!