Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on March 20, 2006 By Dr Guy In Current Events

In what can only be described as the most hypocritical news conference of the year, Dan Rather lectured a bunch of reporters that the problem with Journalism today was that reporters were not asking the tough questions with follow-up. 

After his lecture, one reporter decided to do just that.  He asked Rather about the forged memos.  He reports that Rather did answer civilly, but then when the reporter tried to ask a follow up question, he was cut off and others booed him.

What do you think the Press corps reaction would be if Bush had cut off a Reporters microphone during a Q&A?  But to lecture on the subject and then to deny it seems the height of hypocrisy.

Which is to be expected from the self styled demigods of the Mainstream Media these days.


on Mar 20, 2006

Please don't get me wrong, I hate bush but....

Well that's all I got on this one.
on Mar 20, 2006

Please don't get me wrong, I hate bush but....

That is fine.  Count to 10 and breath deeply.

Now, just pretende I did not mention Bush.