Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on March 17, 2006 By Dr Guy In Politics

In what should be a lesson to all politicians (but sadly is not), a Georgia State Senator snuck in a rider on a bill that honored Jane Fonda.  And the senate, without reading what they were passing, passed it!

But one senator finally figured it out, and set up a stink over it.  So much so that the State Senate then took up the issue again, and voted it down this time.  This would be funny if it were not for the fact that the object of the honorarium is such an antithesis to just about everything American. 

But it is a good lesson.  One that will probably (again) not be learned by politicians (e.g., only 6 US Senators acknowledge reading the original Patriot Act).  And since they will not learn the lesson, I hope that more people sneak in stupid stuff into bills so more politicians can be embarrassed upon the revelations.  "I dont have the time" is no excuse for malfeasance of your office, and shirking your elected duties.

on Mar 17, 2006
I remember a story about a Texas Legislator getting a bill passed in the 1970's honoring the Boston Strangler.
on Mar 17, 2006

remember a story about a Texas Legislator getting a bill passed in the 1970's honoring the Boston Strangler.

I was around then, but not in Texas, and not really into politics!  But as you can see, it does not surprise me.

on Mar 17, 2006
Whatever happened to forgive if not forget? She has made amends--if you can't forget the fiery young woman at least forgive the old woman.
on Mar 17, 2006

Whatever happened to forgive if not forget? She has made amends

No, she has not.  If you took that gobbly-de-gook as an amends, you have not learned her doublespeak very well.  Read her 'appology' again.  She appologized for nothing.  But it sounded good.

on Mar 18, 2006
But it sounded good.
The award, not of her choosing, was made; give a little credit for withdrawing her name. Douglas is as merciless as the swiftboaters.
on Mar 20, 2006
it could be like a scavenger hunt. Every year, five bills have some asinine statement put into them. The citizen that finds them is exempt from income tax for the year. It would push a lot more people to know what kinds of laws are actually being passed, and maybe help prevent some of them that don't actually make sense.
on Mar 20, 2006

The award, not of her choosing, was made; give a little credit for withdrawing her name. Douglas is as merciless as the swiftboaters.

The truth often is.

on Mar 20, 2006

it could be like a scavenger hunt. Every year, five bills have some asinine statement put into them. The citizen that finds them is exempt from income tax for the year. It would push a lot more people to know what kinds of laws are actually being passed, and maybe help prevent some of them that don't actually make sense.

I like that idea.  Then at least we would be getting paid to do their job!

on Mar 20, 2006
I remember a story about a Texas Legislator getting a bill passed in the 1970's honoring the Boston Strangler.

Here's the story, according to Snopes. Seems the legislator in question was trying to prove exactly this point:

on Mar 20, 2006
#3 by stevendedalus
Friday, March 17, 2006

Whatever happened to forgive if not forget? She has made amends--if you can't forget the fiery young woman at least forgive the old woman.

steven you are a good guy, I am not, I will never forgive hanoijane, never! She caused me and mine so much pain, fuck her with a 2 by 4 with splinters on it.
on Mar 20, 2006

Here's the story, according to Snopes. Seems the legislator in question was trying to prove exactly this point:

You dont need to try to prove it, altho I guess he wanted his 15 minutes of fame.  It gets proven every day in 50 states and DC.

on Mar 20, 2006

I will never forgive hanoijane, never!

Forgiving is one thing.  Honoring is a whole different kettle of fish.

on Mar 21, 2006
You dont need to try to prove it, altho I guess he wanted his 15 minutes of fame. It gets proven every day in 50 states and DC.

Dr. Guy,

This was 35 years ago, when we weren't as aware of it, though
on Mar 22, 2006
This was 35 years ago, when we weren't as aware of it, though

Somethings never change!