Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

Over the last few months, we have been regaled about the low poll numbers of Bush, and how that portends a devastating loss by the Republicans come November in the Mid Term Elections.  But a funny little thing happened on the way to the forums.  Somehow the Mainstream Media message failed to reach the Democrats.

For you see, 2006 is not a presidential election year, and Bush is not running for any office.  Only 34 Senators and 435 members of the house are running (along with other state offices).  And in order to win, the Democrats have to run!  But it seems they forgot that maxim that even Richard Daley or 1000 corpses cannot change.  It seems that the democrats are somehow hoping that a bunch of republican will just drop dead between now and November?  So a Write in candidate can win? (Oops!  Remember Mel Carnahan?)

Even in Districts that went heavily for Kerry in 04, the Democrats are having a hard time fielding candidates.  And that does not bode well for the party on a national level.  Oh, I am sure they very well may pick up a couple of seats, but control of either body does not seem likely if they dont run.  Or if they continue to try to butcher their moderates.

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting it to work after it has failed every time before.  Sounds like a good definition of the democrat leadership to me.

on Mar 16, 2006
Even in Districts that went heavily for Kerry in 04, the Democrats are having a hard time fielding candidates.

District or districts (plural)?

No, the low poll numbers for Bush won't affect the 06 elections a whole lot, but the even lower approval ratings for thr GOP controlled Congress might.
on Mar 16, 2006

Have to agree with this, Dr. Guy. In Texas, the Libertarian Party is engaged in several two way races...we are honestly more organized than the Democrats (over 200 candidates for the November ballot in the state of Texas alone...a new record!). Funny thing is, if something happens in November, I could potentially walk into office simply because I took the time to do the work to run. I'm not counting on that, though, but rather on working my tuchus off to get the word to as many people as I can.

on Mar 16, 2006
My husband insists that we are witnessing the death of a party. I think it goes in cycles and at some point when people get upset with how things are run they will automatically vote in another party. The question is will that party still be the democrats. They really could benefit from strong leadership that they seem to be missing.
on Mar 16, 2006

No, the low poll numbers for Bush won't affect the 06 elections a whole lot, but the even lower approval ratings for thr GOP controlled Congress might.

Only if Democrats run.

on Mar 16, 2006

I'm not counting on that, though, but rather on working my tuchus off to get the word to as many people as I can.

Stranger things have happened!  Besides, you are not really a 'threat' to conservatives in your district as you wont side with the democrats much.  So you just may sneak in.  Still rooting for an upset out there in the panhandle! (it will be the only interesting election for me to watch on Election night since Allen is unoposed).

on Mar 16, 2006

My husband insists that we are witnessing the death of a party.

I think the buzzards are circling, but I dont know if I will go as far as your husband.  Democrats can still turn it around, but not the way they are going now.