Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

In another demonstration of the cluelessness of Washington, all those senators and representatives that were grandstanding just a week ago about the Dubai Terminal deal are now being shown to be woefully ignorant and petty.  For they did not save the US from the next great terrorist attack at all. 

It seems that the 9 terminals that Dubai Port World would have managed (not ports and not owned) are not their first foray into American Waters.  They already have an ownership in some Miami terminals!  And we all know how many terrorists have used that one to smuggle in DC10s and 747s to crash into buildings, right?

No, instead of standing up for what is right and American principals (but they are against them only when Bush is for them), these sanctimonious fools have once again shown their incompetence and ineptness in not having stopped DPW from grabbing a share of the Miami terminals years ago!  If they were consistent, they would have.  Along with the Chinese grab of terminals in Long Beach.

I firmly believe in impeachment.  The impeachment of congress for failing to do their job!  What a bunch of idiots.

on Mar 15, 2006
And contempt of Congress.  As I hold them in complete contempt!