Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on February 8, 2006 By Dr Guy In Blogging

Today we had a major server meltdown.  Not just any server, THE DHCP server.  This single point of failure was designed by my supposed superior (in his mind).  It was a hardware failure that I warned about 7 months ago.  But would my little pissant boss listen to me?   Dont make me laugh.

But due to some due dilligence on my part (and wholly unauthorized, so I will be written up for it), we were back in Business in less than an hour, with just the clean up taking the rest of the day.

I should have let them stew in their own stupidity and played dumb!  I dont know why I jumped in and fixed it so fast when I could have done the dumb hayseed and yucked yucked my way through.  I guess because I do care for the users, even if I dont give a damn about the other senior engineer or his incestous (ours I should say, except I dont port him) boss.

Why dont we have a redundant DHCP solution?  Because Sr 1 did not want to do it that way.  Why dont we have an AD DNS?  Because Sr 1 thinks that is a security breach.  Why why why.  The manager of the help desk asked me why it was done this way today.  I told him I did not have a say in the setup (it was done before my time and my suggestions to go with a split DHCP were ignored).  He said I did not ask you that.  I repeated my answer.  he got my message.  He is a diplomat at times, a politician at others.

So inspite of having a core irreplaceable server melt down today, very few people (perhaps a dozen or more out of 1000) were inconvenienced.  And all was well within an hour.

And Mr. Roberts' captain (have you ever wondered why Jame Cagney never had a name.  just Captain?)?

He hates me!  He snarled and I am sure is writing me up.  I am going to love leaving this place.  Like none since Best Products kicked me out the door!  I hated leaving several other jobs as I really respected my boss and loved the work.  This is the second time when I am going to basically burn a bridge when I leave.  KMA10-4

on Feb 08, 2006
I hope my superiors are not like that, but I'm sure they will be. They don't care how smart you are, or how much you know about something. I think they may actually want the stuff to fail so they can blame you and write you up, and then write you up again when you fix it because they just hate everything. Makes me sick.
on Feb 08, 2006

I hope my superiors are not like that, but I'm sure they will be. They don't care how smart you are, or how much you know about something. I think they may actually want the stuff to fail so they can blame you and write you up, and then write you up again when you fix it because they just hate everything. Makes me sick.

Please dont take this as an indication of bosses!  I have had many and only 2 real losers.  One of them now.  So this is just my way of blowing off steam and not going postal.  MOST of my bosses were fantastic!  And when I was one (I was for many years), my employees loved me as well.

There are some turds out there.  Hopefully not many.  Chances are you will get a good one!  I think I am about 10-2!  Pretty good odds!

on Feb 08, 2006
Office politics suck big time Doc! sorry for the b---- of a boss and day

I wish you well and hope you get your heart's desire with employment, wherever it takes you .
on Feb 08, 2006

wish you well and hope you get your heart's desire with employment, wherever it takes you .

I will. I know that.  I write these just to vent.  And it works!  I kiss my wife and hear about her bitch of a day!

Tomorrow I will just go in and do another 8 hour shift.  And leave and forget it!

Someone said JU was my points whore.  No.,  It is why I dont go postal!

Thank you dear lady!

on Feb 08, 2006
good for you doc , not holding it in. venting is GODS way of releasing dangerous pressure.
on Feb 08, 2006
Guy, where you located and what's your tech strength?

on Feb 08, 2006
write these just to vent. And it works! I kiss my wife

venting ( good ) Kissing ( VERY GOOD!) so are cookies better with milk!
on Feb 09, 2006

good for you doc , not holding it in. venting is GODS way of releasing dangerous pressure

That and farting!

on Feb 09, 2006

Guy, where you located and what's your tech strength?

Carry me back to ole Virgininny - Richmond.  I am a network engineer with some knowledge and experience in Cisco, but most of my work, knmowlege and strength is NOS.  Right Now AD, but I cut my teeth on Novell.  Miss Novell!  That was the best NOS!  Still is too.

on Feb 09, 2006

venting ( good ) Kissing ( VERY GOOD!) so are cookies better with milk!

I have to skip the cookies.  My wife is on a diet, and I could stand to lose a few pounds myself.  So I just get extra kisses.  They dont have any calories.

on Feb 09, 2006
I'm sorry you had a rotten day on the job. The pissants never listen to their knowledgeable staff do they? It's their way or the highway! I'm glad you were able to vent and let off steam. Here's a cyber hug for you (((Doc)))!
on Feb 09, 2006

I'm sorry you had a rotten day on the job. The pissants never listen to their knowledgeable staff do they? It's their way or the highway! I'm glad you were able to vent and let off steam. Here's a cyber hug for you (((Doc)))!

More to folllow, but as to your very nice comment thank you.  If he at least knew (which is not part ofhis job description, he is supposed to manage), that would be one thing.  But when shown that he does not know, he ignores it!

on Feb 09, 2006
when shown that he does not know, he ignores it!

A sure enough sign of his insecurity! from low self-esteem...
if he was secure and had some self-esteem, he would have given you, at the least, a pat on the back!
on Feb 10, 2006

he would have given you, at the least, a pat on the back!

HIs pats contain knives!  No thanks.