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Even Monkeys get it right 50% of the time
Published on July 26, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

The Democrat Leadership Council was created in response to the disasters of the 80 and 84 elections to drag the democrat party back towards the center.  In it, it was lead by conservative governors, mostly from the south.  Indeed it was an awakening of the democrats that they could not neglect the south and win the Presidency.  And it worked.  Clinton won on a left center (moderately liberal) platform in 92.

Clinton was a leader in the DLC, and to this day probably plays an important part.  Bill that is.  Now the DLC has basically thrown in their hats to the NE liberal establishment.  They have gone over to the NE liberal side of the party.  How?  By allowing Clinton to write the agenda for the group!

But, but, but you say!  Was he not the prime example of the fact that it worked?  Wrong Clinton!  They have asked Hillary, by far one of the most shrillest and left members of the democrats (regardless of what you think she is becoming), and a perfect fit for the NE Liberal ilk of the likes of Kennedy, Kerry, Leahy and Durbin.  And the DLC whose mission was to win elections has just been emasculated.

Kind of funny that the member of the democrat party with the most balls is none other than the Royal Queen herself.  And even Clinton (bill this time) had to distance himself from her left wing policies and some of her nominations during his term as President.

The DLC appears to be a one trick pony.  They got Clinton elected, but now that the loony left part of the party is running the show, their run is over.  A shame really.  They were kind of the last hope for a return to a 2 party system, instead of one party and a bunch of raving lunatics.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 26, 2005
Is the LA Times mainstream enough to use as a source?
on Jul 26, 2005
Dr Guy,

But the ones who need to hear the message most aren't listening. It's getting a bit like pissing in the wind, doncha think?
on Jul 27, 2005

But the ones who need to hear the message most aren't listening. It's getting a bit like pissing in the wind, doncha think?

I think it goes beyond that. With the ostracization of Zell Miller and Robert Casey, they are basically driving the more moderates out of the party, at least the party leadership.  So I guess it was natural that the DLC was next in line for a purge.

on Oct 21, 2005
They have asked Hillary, by far one of the most shrillest and left members of the democrats (regardless of what you think she is becoming)

You should rephrase that by saying, "regardless of how the media is shaping her views".

Is the LA Times mainstream enough to use as a source?

Not as a source for crafting opinion material, but I trust you implicitly. It's good for some excellent mindless left-spun blah blah, that's for sure. Unending source of comedy and blog-fodder.
I have a hard time with the Washington Post! And I am certainly not going to read the Baltimore Sun.

With the ostracization of Zell Miller and Robert Casey, they are basically driving the more moderates out of the party, at least the party leadership.

That was obvious when they appointed Dr. Howard "Cavalcade of States" Dean to the chair.
on Oct 21, 2005
howard {yowlin howie} dean, the best weapon the republicans have.
on Nov 03, 2005
You're kind I would extend the raving lunatics title to both parties.
on Nov 04, 2005
And even Clinton (bill this time) had to distance himself from...some of her nominations during his term as President

which nominations?
on Nov 07, 2005
No thank you, Doc. I'd rather go down with the ship of the left than have a two party system centered to the right and extreme right.
on Nov 09, 2005
just sittin here watchin the returns from the governor's race in va.

can i offer you a slice of pie, doc? take your choice: crow or humble.
on Nov 09, 2005
no pie? perhaps i should go back and revive all the 'why democrats will never win another election' articles you've written?
on Nov 09, 2005

Not as a source for crafting opinion material, but I trust you implicitly. It's good for some excellent mindless left-spun blah blah, that's for sure. Unending source of comedy and blog-fodder.
I have a hard time with the Washington Post! And I am certainly not going to read the Baltimore Sun.

Before you broke the sarcasm meter, that was meant as sarcasm.

on Nov 09, 2005

howard {yowlin howie} dean, the best weapon the republicans have.

Shh!  Dont let the democrats know.  He is our secret covert weapon!

on Nov 09, 2005

You're kind I would extend the raving lunatics title to both parties.

Your english is somewhat suspect, so I am not sure what you are saying.

on Nov 09, 2005

which nominations?

Try AG for starters.  Janet Reno was his (or actually her) third choice.

on Nov 09, 2005

No thank you, Doc. I'd rather go down with the ship of the left than have a two party system centered to the right and extreme right.

How about one centered to the near left, and one centered to the near right?

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