Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on December 29, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Much has been written lately about Bush not going through the FISA courts to obtain some wiretaps, and whether it was legal or not.  Indeed, until all the facts are in, no one can say with any certainty whether it was or was not legal.  However, this article will not re-open that issue.  Instead it will focus on a court that perhaps got too big for its britches.

Apparently, 4 weeks before 9-11-01, Zacarias Moussaoui was detained and questioned by the FBI based upon a tip from this flight school.  The FBI, being good law abiding citizens they are, went to the FISA to obtain a search warrant for Zacarias Moussaoui's laptop.  The court not only rejected the request, they even reprimanded Michael Resnick, the FBI officer in charge!

Now some may say that it is unfortunate, but we must protect our civil liberties.  And then some of those same people have also yelled about connecting the dots, a very hypocritical stance and one that only can be supported if they feign ignorance of the facts.

But one must realize that Moussaoui is not an American Citizen, and indeed as has now been learned, was technically a spy.  And spies are not and must not be afforded the protection of our constitution, since their sworn mission is to subvert it!  Yet this court that is supposed to help expedite these issues, not only denied law enforcement access to the evidence, they slapped the agent in charge!

And as the article indicates, it meant that many other tips, that should have been brought to the court probably were not for fear of getting slapped again!  So when the brouhaha came out about Bush wiretapping transatlantic calls, we had one judge "resign in protest".  Or did he?  Perhaps he resigned in shame, and just used an excuse to cover his own incompetence?  And after you have been burned by a judge before, and are now trying to prevent the very thing that might have been prevented with a simple court order, why would anyone trust a bunch of pontificating self serving blow hards again?  If they tried another 9-11, and succeeded, would Bush then turn to the American people and say "We Tried, but the court...."? 

Do you think the very same people who are howling now would buy that excuse?  No, they would want his head on a platter, and rightly so.  For he would have failed.  But he has not failed, yet.

And remember one more thing.  While one end of the conversation originated in the US, the other end was not in the US.  And the Security agencies of the US must be given sufficient power to find and capture spies!  We may not be in a cold war any longer, but we are in a hot one, and the enemies are even more evil than before.  For they do not confront armed militias.  NO, they cower behind the skirts of women and bibs of babies! 

So get up on your soap box, and rend your clothing at how bad and evil Bush is!  But the reason you can do that, is that you are alive, and what he did may have saved your life along with thousands of other Americans.  Saved a life so you could then trash him again.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 29, 2005

[N]o evidence of Moussaoui’s suspicious flight training and ties with terrorism was presented to the Justice Department.

Nice try shifting the blame onto FISA.

Hey clueless!  That is because they  could not get any evidence!  And I shifted nothing to FISA.  Show me where I shifted anything to anyone?  I stated the case, which you have not read, while you were providing a non-sequitar proof, and failing to understand the case or your own ignorance.  Now if you want to get back on topic, fine.  Dont bullshit me on my blog.

on Dec 29, 2005
It was denied until after 9-11, in direct contradiction to the intent of the court. Why dont you read instead of just being ignorant?

It wasn't denied at all...before or after 9/11. There were no warrants denied in 2002 either. YOU are the one who needs to read. Or do you contend that you know more about this case than the FBI agent who testified before the senate judiciary committee, who as I previously posted said;

[N]o evidence of Moussaoui’s suspicious flight training and ties with terrorism was presented to the Justice Department. The department was never contacted and so did not decide anything; therefore, no decision was ever made regarding the given evidence and its subsequent application to FISA standards.

That means the FISA procedures were not the reason the FBI failed to inspect Moussaoui’s computer files. Rather, the FBI’s failure to share and analyze intelligence sufficiently is what enabled Moussaoui to escape further investigation.

You just can never admit to being wrong can you? Even when presented with clear facts that negate your rantings. You always shout at people to show you proof, but when they do you ignore it.
on Dec 29, 2005
And I shifted nothing to FISA. Show me where I shifted anything to anyone?

You clearly said that FISA rejected the warrant request and this in turn "...many other tips, that should have been brought to the court probably were not for fear of getting slapped again!" You're blaming the court for the government not getting information and tips they need. That's crap. Even if this story were true and the court denied the warrant, that shouldn't give them the idea that they wouldn't be able to get any warrants. FISA has only rejected less than one half of one percent of all the warrant requests it received.

Now if you want to get back on topic, fine. Dont bullshit me on my blog.

Get back on what topic? Everything I've posted on here is relevant to your half baked half truth article.
on Jan 01, 2006
The court not only rejected the request, they even reprimanded Michael Resnick, the FBI officer in charge!

This is an outright falsehood.

The request for this warrant never even reached the FISA court. The Justice Dept decided that there was not enough evidence to even present the case to the court.

Consider the case of Zacarias Moussaoui, the French Moroccan who came to the FBI's attention before Sept. 11 because he had asked a Minnesota flight school for lessons on how to steer an airliner, but not on how to take off or land. Even with this report, and with information from French intelligence that Moussaoui had been associating with Chechen rebels, the Justice Department decided there was not sufficient evidence to get a FISA warrant to allow the inspection of his computer files.

The disciplining of the FBI agent had nothing to do with this specific case.

So why is it that you are blaming this on the FISA court? And why would you speculate that the Judge may have resigned in shame when his court was never even asked by DOJ for a warrant?
on Jan 03, 2006
You're not even going to try to defend your misinformation Doc?
on Jan 09, 2006

Reply By: davad70

Again, opinion  with no facts.  I linked to articles documenting the problem.  You offer your opinion as fact.  You jump up and down on the justice department.  And I challenge you to show me where I was talking about the Justice department (I clearly stated FBI).  I gave you facts, and you gave me spin and disinformation.  Not even close.

Now for the last time, let me tell you something about JU and its notification.  It does not always work.  So I was not ignoring you, I was not notified you had responded to this article. So get off your high and mighty stool, and start debating what is written, now what you want me to write.  You are wrong plain and simple.

And you lied.  You told me over a month ago you were going to ignore my blog.  Yet like a gadfly you persist in trying to tell me how to write and what to write.  So I can only conclude that you are a liar.

on Jan 09, 2006
It isn't "my opinion" that the FISA Court never rejected a warrant in theis case, it is fact. The FBI presented the case to DOJ and they decided not to seek a warrant from FISA. So how exactly can you say that the court rejected the request when one was never made? That's clearly a lie. You imply that perhaps the judge resigned in shame. Shame for what? If there was a problem in this case, it lies with DOJ and not with the court, as you state. You also impy that Resnick was repremanded by the court regarding this case...another lie. He was repremanded for falsifying information on a warrant request for a previous case. You should do a little bit of research on this issue instead of basing your complete argument on your spin of one article from newsmax. Read the statements from Colleen Rowley, who was actually involved with the case.
on Jan 09, 2006
And you lied. You told me over a month ago you were going to ignore my blog. Yet like a gadfly you persist in trying to tell me how to write and what to write. So I can only conclude that you are a liar.

I don't tell you how to write, and as far as what to write all I have asked is that you write things that are truthful.

As far as me lying...if that's the best you can do, try again. I did not lie. I sincerely meant to ignore your blog. I just have this issue with people like you spreading information that is not true. I know that I shouldn't be so hung up on truth and honesty, but alas...I am.

Things like this...

The court not only rejected the request, they even reprimanded Michael Resnick, the FBI officer in charge!
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