Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

The Issue of restitution for slavery has again reared its ugly head, this time by Deadria Farmer-Paellmann, supposedly a descendant of slaves.  I say supposedly because she provides no proof, and not all blacks are actually descendants of slaves.  This time she is going after some banks that either financed the slave trade, or actually owned them (as collateral for loans).  Forget the idea that 2 of the targeted banks have already done a mea culpa and set up funds for community improvement!  No, that is not enough!  She wants more!

She wants free education for all the years of slavery!  Sounds noble.  Until you find out that she owes $100,000 in student loans!  And she is no dummy!  She has a doctorate!  SO of course getting it was not going to be cheap.  That is why you get a job after college!  But she is claiming that since her ancestors were denied an education (she conveniently forgets that before the 19th century, most people were so deprived), she should get hers free!  What a leech!  Lend me money and then I will sue your pants off!

She is not looking for reparations.  Indeed she claims the banks are responsible for:

"urban poverty, inadequate healthcare, and lost housing."

She of course completely forgets that all those came about subsequent to slavery, and not during slavery.  But that must be because the banks are responsible for every evil!

If she is so deprived, how is she has a doctorate?  They dont give those out to stupid people.  No, she is just a selfish spoiled child that does not want to pay for what every other person has to pay for.  A good education.  This is not about restitution, this is just another thug trying to blackmail some banks into paying her off so she will go away. 

I hope they just show her to the door and tell her where she can take her demands.  No sun shines there.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 07, 2005
Incredible, just simply unbelivable what she's asking for and what she's said!

on Dec 07, 2005

Incredible, just simply unbelivable what she's asking for and what she's said!

In my Family (Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and cousins included), I was the first to go to College, and only 1 of 4 to graduate!  I would have loved for someone to have paid my way, but I did it the old fashion way.  I worked.  So, no I was not a frat boy.  I had to work while my fellow students got bombed at rushes.

on Dec 07, 2005
In my immediate family I was the 3rd to go to college, and the only one that graduated.

Granted I had financial help from the state, I did though pay off my student loan of $500.00 by myself,
working partime after school.

on Dec 07, 2005

Granted I had financial help from the state, I did though pay off my student loan of $500.00 by myself,
working partime after school.

I got a loan as well - mine was about 10 times that!  Took me several years to pay off, and boy was I glad to make the last payment!

on Dec 07, 2005
As the mother of three in college....where do I go to get help?

The problem is they are three normal white boys in a middle class family. That's like the kiss of death and all we get!!

The good part is I believe my boys are so better off knowing the value of a buck and hard work. They work their butts off to get thru college.

I think she needs to be held accountable for this. There is no need to run up a bill like this. We are no where near this with three in It's ridiculous!!!! They should take the doctorate away......she doesn't sound that smart in my book.

on Dec 07, 2005
'I was born a poor black child...'

Nope, not me, I was a white bread, trailer trash, single mom-reared goofy boy from Minnesota who wised up, moved to Arizona, found religion, got a wife and an education (in that order), and about to delve back into graduate school.

Uncle Sam is paying my way. But I have no intention of giving up my GI Bill money. I earned that!

She is not looking for reparations. Indeed she claims the banks are responsible for: "urban poverty, inadequate healthcare, and lost housing."

This woman has chutzpah. Moxie. Balls. She needs to realize that this society made her what she is today: a Ph.D. holder. She could be an asset to society; instead she is an ass to society.
on Dec 07, 2005
Ah yes, another leech playing the race card and hoping to pray on the guilt of the guiltless. I can't tell you how many slaves have been bought and sold by the actual living people involved in this case but somehow I suspect it's a pretty small number.
on Dec 07, 2005
This, to me, is an extension of the Jesse Jackson school of corporate extortion. What about children? Should we now pay reparations to children for all the child labor that took place? What about the Chinese? Does the railroad industry in the US owe Chinese people reparations since they have profited from the labor of so many abused Chinese people?

Should women get two votes because of the 100+ years of their inability to do so? There was a lot of efforts during reconstruction to make up for the heinous crimes against black Americans. I don't see how you could do any such thing now without punishing the very people who have fought and now stand for the opposite of slavery. People who work at these corporations, people who own stock, people who buy their products would suffer, and many of them are the reason that the civil rights movement was successful.
on Dec 08, 2005

As the mother of three in college....where do I go to get help?

I only have 2, thankfully, my oldest is graduating this year, before #3 goes to college the year after next.

They should take the doctorate away......she doesn't sound that smart in my book.

I like that idea!

on Dec 08, 2005

This woman has chutzpah. Moxie. Balls. She needs to realize that this society made her what she is today: a Ph.D. holder. She could be an asset to society; instead she is an ass to society.

Very well put!

on Dec 08, 2005

I can't tell you how many slaves have been bought and sold by the actual living people involved in this case but somehow I suspect it's a pretty small number.

I suspect the number is 0.  Indeed, I doubt that any American Citizen today has owned a single legal slave (we wont go into the crazies that enslave girl friends or others illegally).

on Dec 08, 2005

I don't see how you could do any such thing now without punishing the very people who have fought and now stand for the opposite of slavery. People who work at these corporations, people who own stock, people who buy their products would suffer, and many of them are the reason that the civil rights movement was successful.

You bring up an excellent point.  Thes Banks are not lilly white, and the people who would be paying are the stockholders and employees, many of them black!  She wants then to have them pay for themselves?

on Dec 08, 2005
Sounds like she figures you can put a price on the slavery of the distant past... and she'd found her price.
on Dec 08, 2005
Should we now pay reparations to children for all the child labor that took place?

Excellent! Starting with me. I was a child once, you know!

on Dec 08, 2005

Sounds like she figures you can put a price on the slavery of the distant past... and she'd found her price.

I wonder what her ancestors would think about her blatant greed?

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