Some have poopooed that concept, others have talked about it.
I am here to say it is real and it is alive! A community is not a monolithic thing. We have our Otis', our Andy' and Aunt Bees. As well as Floyds and Gomers.
But we do have people supporting people. Tex. Loca and Dharma have husbands often gone, in defense of US!
We have Greywar, PseudoSoldier, ChipRJ and others serviing us now!
We have Mason, Ted, Moderateman, who have served us and we feel safe for their sarafices.
And we have day to day catastrophes. That we all rally around!
And when we need advice, solace, or just a shoulder, where do we turn?
JU of course. For we read the daily lives of those here and have come to respect them and honor their wisdom. We do this because they have shared. Some more than others, but all have let us look into their lives, and we have found great people.
Joeuser is a community. I may not know what your HS boyfriend was, or your latest crush rejection. We wil never see them. But you have told us of your hurts and dreams, your heartaches and schemes.
So we know some.
And I appreciate the fact that when I am at a total loss, there is someone here who can lend me a hand! I think it is better than a shrink (cheaper too) and I trust them a whole lot more.
It is a great community!