For many people, the issue of gay marriages/civil Unions is a hot Button topic. Most of the arguements against here, at least on JU, have centered around the point of 'Opening the Flood Gates". And many have used extreme cases (in what first appears to be extreme cases) to make that point. Some of the arguements against gay marriages have included the issue of "Today Gay, tomorrow Pedophiles" Or "Tomorrow NAMBLA" or even "Tomorrow Bigamists".
But wait! Tomorrow is September 23, 2005! Yes, for you see, The Netherlands has allowed the first polygamy Civil Union under what is arguably the most liberal marriage laws in the world!
Now those arguments against gay marriage dont seem to extreme after all do they?
And I am sure the next case will be tried here in the US. My only question on the case when it hits the SCOTUS is can Ruth "Buzzi" Ginzberg convince 4 of her collegues to go along with her stance that the US must follow International law when the Constitution does not specifically address an issue.