Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on September 9, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

We have just been treated to someone here at JU admitting to making a mistake and appologizing for it.  I have admitted mistakes in the past as well, but it does seem to be one sided as several others at JU dont have that capability.

One could call Doc's an honest mistake, or as one called it, an innocent mistake, neither of which Doc would accept.  He said he blew it, and took his medicine. 

But let's look at someone else's 'mistake'.  The 'mistake' that Sandy Burgler made was:

admitted to sneaking classified documents out of the Archives in his suit, later destroying some of them in his office and then lying about it.

And he has the unmitigated gaul to say it was an HONEST MISTAKE?  There was nothing and is nothing honest about his crime.

But being a liberal, he cant admit that.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 28, 2005
Right there in your very own link it says he initially said it was an honest mistake, but he pled guilty and was sentenced. He accepted responsibility. What else do you want from the guy?

So if you cheat on your wife, lie to her about it, then admit the truth, it should all be OK? It's called loosing trust, no matter how many times you admit to fault and how many times you say you're sorry you still messed up. As usual, always defending the guilty. I'm glad you not a judge, otherwise every criminal who claimed to be Liberal would go free.
on Nov 28, 2005

i'm crying laffin right now. you're so fulla crap.

Late to the game and wrong again oh killer wasp.

on Nov 28, 2005

How can a member of the Clinton administration claim a mistake was "honest" when they have no idea what the word means?

Maybe they meant it was an intentional mistake?

on Nov 28, 2005

So if you cheat on your wife, lie to her about it, then admit the truth, it should all be OK?

Also note that he never retracted the Honest part.  He just plead guilty.  He is still trying to figure out the meaning of the word IS.  How is he to know what Honest means?

on Nov 28, 2005
I love how you righties are trying to pound Berger into the ground right now to shift the focus off of Bush's gang.

We dont have to try to pound, he has the shovel and is digging his own hole.

What's the matter Doc? Someone edging close to you in the point standings? Now you need to drudge back up threads that hadn't been posted to in 3 weeks?
on Nov 28, 2005
being a liberal Tsk, tsk non sequitur.
on Nov 28, 2005
love how you righties are trying to pound Berger into the ground right now to shift the focus off of Bush's gang. I don't blame you though, I'd get as much mileage out of it as I could before even more indictments come down for the White House.
Na, I couldn't believe that of the good doctor...then again...
on Nov 28, 2005
I just can't help but wonder what would happen to any of those here in JU who hold Security Clearances were caught with documents in their pants... Hmmmm
on Nov 28, 2005

What's the matter Doc? Someone edging close to you in the point standings? Now you need to drudge back up threads that hadn't been posted to in 3 weeks?

You post, I respond.  Don't like it?  Don't post.  I was about to take this one off my watch list (a lot of good that is since I never received notification that anyone had responded).  I checked it, saw that someone did, and responded.   The rest is history.

I don't get points for responding to my own article.  But it is called common courtesy.  I guess that is a foreign concept to you.

on Nov 28, 2005

being a liberal Tsk, tsk non sequitur.

Present company excepted!

on Nov 28, 2005

Na, I couldn't believe that of the good doctor...then again...

And you would be correct.  As I retorted.  He is doing it to himself.

on Nov 28, 2005

I just can't help but wonder what would happen to any of those here in JU who hold Security Clearances were caught with documents in their pants... Hmmmm

They would be singing soprano real fast!

on Nov 28, 2005
Oh yes, I saw a Warrant officer who actually did accidentally get a classified doc into a stack of unclass docs that he/she took home and didn't discover it untill having a briefcase searched upon returning to work the next morning. Very ugly scene, and it wasn't for a book or self protection.
What did scumboy Berger get? A book deal?
on Nov 28, 2005
What did scumboy Berger get? A book deal?

Just a CYA for his master Billy on Able Danger.
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