Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
2K bug
Published on September 2, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Many here and around the nation are screaming about price gouging by the oil companies.  Screaming.  And what else are they doing about it?  Nothing.

Yet we seem to have selective amnesia when it comes to price gouging, or a double standard.  For while the oil companies are indeed making a lot of money on the run up of the price of oil and gas, it is not their fault.  It is our fault.  The supply of oil and gas has been cut by Katrina.  Before that the demand had and has been increased due to the emerging economies of India and China, number 1 and 2 in terms of the country's population.  So we have a situation where demand is outstripping supply, and was only exacerbated by Katrina.  So, like the law of supply and demand dictates (you cannot legislate this law - it is one of the natural laws of nature), the price has shot up.

So how many have cut back on their consumption?  A show of hands please.  Hmmm, less than 10% of you, and then not by a lot.

We blame a corporation, but all a corporation really is, a bunch of people who have invested money in a company hoping to earn money (most likely you and me and our retirement accounts or even Individual investments) and a bunch of people working for a living, 9-5.  IN short, it is people like you and me.  It may even be you and me.

About 15 years ago, members of my profession had an epiphany.  The realized that literally millions of programs, with billions of lines of code, would stop working come the year 2000 because of the Date being record as 05 instead of 2005.  Knowing that these companies would not be self terminating on December 31, 1999, they decided to act to correct the situation.  So they started hiring a bunch of programmers who could fix the programs.

The demand skyrocketed!  Such that by the late 90s, a good Cobol or RPG programmer could and often did demand and get 6 figure salaries!  These people were taking advantage of the Y2K bug to extort more money, far above their normal worth, from companies (that collection of investors and workers).

Yet where was the outrage then?  I myself benefited (not that well, but by the end of that decade, I was pulling in 90k with the OT I was pulling in).  I never heard of anyone talking about Price gouging then!  Yet clearly there was a collusion of IT workers that was running up the price of their services. 

Was it a natural disaster like Katrina or Isabel (or the Alphabet soup of Hurricanes in Florida)?  No, but it was a man made disaster of short sightedness that brought it on.  And the IT workers took advantage of that disaster to price gouge the employers. 

So where is the outrage?  Where was the outrage?  Because today, salaries have dropped back to pre Y2K levels.  The crises is over, and the law of supply and demand has restored the equilibrium so that a high end IT worker probably is only earning high 5s, not big 6s.

And so it will be with oil and gas eventually.  But for now, you can no more blame the gas companies for price gouging than you could have the IT workers.  For in reality, the IT workers were not dictating the prices, the companies were bidding the prices up!  Just as we, the consumer today, are bidding up the price of gas.

Can the oil companies artificially keep the prices low?  Sure.  Just as the IT workers of the 90s could have.  But that will just mean shortages.  Why?  Because with the reduced supply, people will not reduce demand, and the companies will run out.  It is already happening.  Just as in the 90s, if Workers had not accepted the higher salaries, other companies would have run out of talent to fix the problems.

So get on your horse and demand government action.  Condemn the oil companies for price gouging.  Then sit back and watch the shortages occur.  And if you then demand the government step in and distribute the gas in an equitable manner, just remember the old Soviet Union where the government did that very exact thing.  Worked real well didn't it?  Bread lines that made our gas lines pale in comparison!  Yep!  It worked real well.

And all the while, you will sit smugly back, demanding your $2/gal gasoline that is no longer available, but smug in your righteous indignation that you 'stuck it to the man'.

Even as the root cause of the problem was not 'the man', but YOU.

Nice going.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 02, 2005
The Price of Gas today hurts, because it is supposed to hurt.  That is the only way to reduce demand.
on Sep 02, 2005
I blame it on all those corporate whities.
on Sep 02, 2005

I blame it on all those corporate whities.

I told Mano, and I will tell you.  Keep the racism off my blog.  That is your only warning.

on Sep 02, 2005
I apologize. I am truly sorry. It was, of course, not a racist remark, per se, but rather a response to other jokes about racism in other blogs. You must have deleted mano's post and your response, as I have not seen it. But obviously, mano and I are of like minds about this.
on Sep 02, 2005
Try looking at Mano's comments here -> Link for them.
on Sep 02, 2005

You must have deleted mano's post and your response

It was on a different article and is still there.

on Sep 02, 2005
Thanks, CM. I'm amazed at the replies, for sure. such venom..........
on Sep 02, 2005

The level of economic ignorance among average Americans is bad enough, but when the leadership of a major party demonstrates gross ignorance, that is scary.  The following is a quote from Howlin Howie Dean.

"Under the Bush Presidency over the past five years we've seen skyrocketing gas prices and oil companies reaping record profits, while ordinary Americans struggle to pay their bills -- yet the President has seemingly looked the other way. Americans are always willing to shoulder their fair share of the burden, and they have been. Now it's time for the President to step up and put the needs of the American people ahead of profits for his pals in Big Oil. So while he's asking ordinary Americans to do more, he ought to show some real leadership, and call on his friends in Big Oil to join in the sacrifice and stop gouging American families at the gas pump."

on Sep 02, 2005
I don't know about everyone else, but I don't have a problem with the oil companies raising prices due to supply and demand... that part makes sense to me. But when I think of price gouging, I think of the convenience store owners that are buying gas for 2.74 a gallon, and selling it for 6.00 a gallon just because they can, and just to line their pockets. THAT is price gouging, and THAT is the crime.
on Sep 02, 2005
I'll just kick off my old Harley and enjoy its 45+ mpg and go on. That's all I can do and no point whinning about it...
on Sep 02, 2005

I think of the convenience store owners that are buying gas for 2.74 a gallon, and selling it for 6.00 a gallon just because they can, and just to line their pockets. THAT is price gouging, and THAT is the crime.

I am a convenience store owner.  I have 50 gallons to sell. I can sell it for $2.74, but I only have 50 gallons.  You come in and want to buy it.  I come in behind you and I want it worse, so much so, I am willing to buy it for $4/gal.  No promises have been made, and he has to decide who to sell his last 50 gallons to.

is that price gouging if he decides to sell to me? I am willingly paying him for it, because of my needs.

on Sep 02, 2005

I'll just kick off my old Harley and enjoy its 45+ mpg and go on. That's all I can do and no point whinning about it...

Even you will eventually have to fill up tho.

on Sep 02, 2005
is that price gouging if he decides to sell to me? I am willingly paying him for it, because of my needs.

on Sep 02, 2005
Even you will eventually have to fill up tho.

But it won't hurt as bad to me as the guy in the Expedition!
on Sep 06, 2005


Fine, then have a great time not buying the gas at 2 bucks a gallon that no one has.  but dont cry to me because I am willing to pay 3 bucks for it.

I guess you never went after a raise?  Price gouger.

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