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Crank up the Coal Burners - Oops!
Published on August 31, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Yes, the mean and nasty oil companies are defying the law of Supply and Demand (probably one of the few laws that cant be broken) and getting rich at our expense!  Never mind that my need is greater than your need, so I will pay a premium for my gas while you go begging (that could not possibly be my CHOICE!  It has to be price gouging!).  No, it is just those evil Bushies and their Oil cohorts extorting money from the peons of America!

But what does America have more of than any other nation on earth? (Down MM, quit saying idiots)

COAL!  We are filthy rich in it!  We got it coming out of our wazoo!  We cant give the stuff away!  Knock off a few know nothing meddling environmentalist that cant tell a 3 toed sloth from their cousin, and we can power the world!  And it is cheap and with modern technology, clean!  So lets convert to coal!

Arrgggghhh!  But there is the rub!  For as the price of petrol, and more importantly natural Gas skyrockets (natural Gas was a lot harder hit by Katrina than Oil was), Coal is cheap and plentiful!

Or was!  People are now bidding up the price of coal!  Yep!  Not the consumers per se, the buyers (I think you call them middle men).  They see a huge market coming, and so they are bidding it up!

Coal is so plentiful here, and so many mines are abandoned as it is so cheap, that no company can monopolize it and dictate prices.  yet the price is going up!  Why?

The Immutable law of Supply and Demand!

Sneer at the Bushies.  Rail at Big oil. As you drive your cars (does not matter if it is an SUV, all of them burn oil derivatives) and refuse to cut back.  Even as refinery capacity is at the max.  And now crippled.

I hate $3/gallon of gas too.  But I also welcome it.  For Oil Shale is now viable, as is Ethanol, and Coal tar derivatives.  Butthey are not going to be cheap, and the transition painful.

Rejoice Luddites!  You have prevented a nuclear (or as Carter said, Nuclar) Power plant from being built in the last 30 years.  You won!

Now revel in your victory.  Might I suggest a bent?  There is a member here at JU that can advise you very well on them.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 31, 2005
I wonder how many luddites are now bitching about the price of oil.  Is reduction of consumption (actually the elimination thereof) what they wanted?  And is this not going to get them their wish?
on Aug 31, 2005
Let's see...where do you live? If you live in NYC or on Long Island, then we can talk about the price of gas....
on Aug 31, 2005

Let's see...where do you live? If you live in NYC or on Long Island, then we can talk about the price of gas....

You tell me your price and I will tell you mine.  After all, it is my blog and I started it.

on Aug 31, 2005

*gas price cap*

I won't complain. It's not too bad, particularly compared to the mainland. In the recent past, we've paid quite a bit more than the mainland, but now it seems that our prices are better.

Heh, and we have one vehicle...a sedan...I walk the kids to school...Adrian drives less than a mile to and from work...we do most of our shopping on post...we just don't use much gas.
on Aug 31, 2005
Here it goes...

Today I paid $3.40/gallon and I have to commute all over the island for my job (hopefully this will not be the case here soon!!) . I DID think about using public transportation, but the train doesn't have a stop at some of the locations I work at, so I have to drive.

It's pricey, but I just think of the poor people down south hit by the hurricaine. They have it much worse than I do.
on Aug 31, 2005


*gas price cap*

Enjoy it.  If they can get more from the mainland, you are about to get a shortage.  Dont say I did not warn you.  It kicks in tomorrow, right?

on Aug 31, 2005
$2.75 yesterday up from $2.34 last week. Oh well. I walk my kids to school (all 2 blocks) and avoid driving whenever possible, and I'm fixing my bike. To bad the nearest grocery store is 12 miles away.
on Aug 31, 2005

Today I paid $3.40/gallon and I have to commute all over the island for my job (hopefully this will not be the case here soon!!) . I DID think about using public transportation, but the train doesn't have a stop at some of the locations I work at, so I have to drive.

Ok, ours is $3.119.  And as I live in the burbs, we can only think of carpooling, not Public Transportation.

on Aug 31, 2005

$2.75 yesterday up from $2.34 last week. Oh well. I walk my kids to school (all 2 blocks) and avoid driving whenever possible, and I'm fixing my bike. To bad the nearest grocery store is 12 miles away.

Tell Mason about the Bike!  he is the expert!  I am going to get a new one.  Like him, mine is so old, no parts fit it any more! (Older than most JU people that is!)

on Aug 31, 2005
Carpooling is a good way to get by. I wish some of my coworkers and I lived close because I would suggest it as well.
on Aug 31, 2005
Carpooling is a good way to get by. I wish some of my coworkers and I lived close because I would suggest it as well.

And had the same schedule. It works for big employers, not for the smaller ones tho.
on Aug 31, 2005
I wonder what will happen if oil becomes too expencive? 1970's again?

Will we go Nuclar... lol

Go go gadget arm (to pick up the coal from the mines)!!!

Plastic? Nanites is the solution (at least until they take over the world with gray goop).

I take public transportation, but i am sure they are paying through the roof for the gas in those buses and whatever fuels the electicity to run the trains.
on Aug 31, 2005
Then there is W and his Nucular weapons of mass deestrucktsion!
on Aug 31, 2005
sorry Dr. Guy, I had to...
on Aug 31, 2005
I live in the Midwest and we are @ 2.899 per gallon and here it hurts. There is no public transportation and for me it's 5 miles to the nearest grocery, 7 miles to a small town and 10 miles to Springfield a small city. Then to top things off I have a 3/4 ton truck( 12 MPG) that I have to drive 60% of the time to accommodate carrying 4-5 people the other 40% I drive an ancient S-10(22mpg) and we're basically stuck with the vehicles, neither me nor 2step have the money right now to get anything with better mpg.

This winter I do plan to find a Buell Blast motorcycle ( 70MPG) to do my commutes with.
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