Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on August 26, 2005 By Dr Guy In Philosophy

What is tolerance? It is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty and error; let us pardon reciprocally each other's folly - that is the first law of nature.

Voltaire, 1694-1778

The last great frenchman.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 06, 2005
Clearly, it never occurred to Thoreau that some music probably shouldn't be stepped to.

If John Wayne Gacy does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. By all means, do not let him step to the music which he hears!

It seems to me that tolerance means being open to the possibility that not all differences between people are born of evil, and that what I think is true may not be true, and that what someone else believes might hold new wisdom for me as well.

But tolerance is only half of the solution. The other half is discrimination. After examining alternative ideas and beliefs with an open mind, welcoming the opportunity to set aside your prejudices and learning something new and good, it is time to discard anything bad, whether in your new thinking or your old.
on Oct 06, 2005
Tolerance is the acknowledgement of differences and that they do not mean one is right or wrong, good or evil for being different, but merely accepting the fact that they are different. It does not mean you have to agree with them, or be accepting OF their differences, you just have to accept the fact they are different and not inherently evil for being different.

You can tolerate homosexuality, but disagree with it and not personally accept it.
You can tolerate interracial marraige, but disagree with it and not personally accept it.
You can tolerate conservatives, but disagree with them and not personally accept them (sorry, just had to)
on Oct 07, 2005
I like to think that twenty-first century Londoners are a tad more tolerant.

Arsenal or Manchester United?

Well, for a Londoner it would have to be Arsenal
on Oct 07, 2005
you just have to accept the fact they are different and not inherently evil for being different.

Well said. But perhaps it's just enough to accept that they are. What is traditionally known as Liberalism evolved from European exhaustion after strenuous attempts to annihilate those who thought/lived/prayed differently. Sheaving their swords the wisest heads then asked, "how can we live peacefully side by side without agreeing or seeing the world in the same way?" Once it's obvious that you cannot remove from the world all those who offend you by their difference, this becomes the most important practical question.
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