Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Yesterday, today and Tomorrow
Published on August 23, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events


In the times before recorded history, a bunch of hunters lead by Oog, came upon a bovine.  Spying the animal they noted the horns and so they crept up quietly behind the animal.  The tribe was hungry.

The animal, now known as a steer, cow or beef, was too stupid, slow and lazy to stop munching on its tender shoots of grass to concern itself with these pesky chimps.  It continued to graze.  Oog and company sprang upon it and slaughter it.  And the tribe ate well.

But the cow had a calf and it missed its mother, so it followed them back to the village.  The tribe adopted the calf and raised it.  One day, a rangy bull wandered by and impregnated the cow.  And a herd was born.  The meat was so tasty and easy to kill, that OOg and his fellow hunters soon realized it would be easier to raise these mooing beasts than to chase after deer and antelope all day.

Thus man started breeding their own food for later slaughter and consumption.


IN 1973, in what is generally acknowledged to be one of the poorest thought out decisions of any SCOTUS ruling, the Supreme court set up a system of Trimesters that made Abortion no longer the purview of each state, but an inalienable right for all citizens (although for the most part men are ignored in this regard since they are not the carriers of the parasitic life). 

At first, those abortions were limited to non-viable fetuses that happened to get in the way of the good life and free sex of the day.  A few were the result of Rape or Incest, but they represent less than 3% of the total.  An even fewer more (less than 1%) were the result of impending danger to the health of the host carrying said parasite.

But over time, Doctors got better, the age of viability for said parasite got earlier, but the age of the aborted babies got older.  So that the current discussion has nothing to do with the viability of the parasite, as the term Partial Birth Abortion clearly indicates, they are viable (they are born, just the head is crushed before removing the parasite from the birth canal).

The procedure had nothing to do with rape, incest or the health of the mother (since it is a birth in every sense of the word except no air enters the parasite's lungs).  It was merely a convenience and since the ruling by SCOTUS was so bad, there was nothing that anyone could do to object to it.  The return to a free swinging irresponsible life style was back, and the Heady days were in full swing. 

Some are even going so far as to now justify and argue for post partum abortions since the parasite is really not viable until the age of 2 or 3 anyway. Thus what could have been something rarely used, and only in extreme cases has now been expanded to allow anyone with half a brain and the intelligence to boot, irregardless of age, to terminate those nasty parasites for whatever reason, including gender selection of the parasite.


Mankind has found that using embryonic stem cells can lengthen lives up to 50%, and also keep that healthy glow of youthfulness well past 100!  The experiments of the 21st century on what would have been discarded embryos resulted in a a literal fountain of youth.  So easy and cheap is the procedure, that there is not enough unwanted embryos to go around.  So a black market has developed.

Pregnant women who want to keep their parasite must be accompanied by armed security guards less some doped up junkie carve out their wombs for the thousand bucks that an embryo will fetch on the black market.  Junkies no longer sell their bodies for a fix, they get pregnant and then sell their embryonic parasite for a fix.

But in order to stop this violent and illegal black market, medical science is now taking permanently vegetative females and using them as breeding grounds for the parasitic embryos.  Of course this leads to many more brain dead females as people are always trying to scam the system and bonking a wife on the head (on accident of course) can be very lucrative for a lazy husband who does not mind donating a few sperm cells for thousands of bucks.

Eventually, the need for women disappears as a new life can always be had from Incubators R Us.  And fertile women are much more valuable as what are now called Sheeple.  Homo sapiens bred for one thing alone - embryonic stem cells from parasites.  The few women that make it to adulthood, in order to be allowed to live in peace, are rendered sterile through hysterectomies.  And womb is fair game to the science of eternal youth and the black market.

The result of the embryonic stem cell harvesting has a beneficial side effect as well.  Homophobia no longer exists as either you are homosexual, or you monosexual (ye old hand job).

Welcome to the brave new world.  Don't think it can happen?  The cows did not think so either.  Nor did the chickens and pigs.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 24, 2005
IN 1973, in what is generally acknowledged to be one of the poorest thought out decisions of any SCOTUS ruling, the Supreme court set up a system of Trimesters

pregnancies weren't measured in trimesters prior to 1973? do tell.

God I hate to say this....but kingbee is 100% correct Doc, and you're 100% wrong.


Definition: Trimester
1. A period of three months; especially one of the three three-month periods into which human pregnancy is divided.

2. One of three divisions of an academic year.

Source: WordNet 1.7.1 Copyright © 2001 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Date "trimester" was first used: 1821. (references)

Etymology: Trimester \Tri*mes"ter\, noun. [Latin expression trimestris of three months; tri- (see Tri-) mensis month: compare to the French expression trimestre.]. (Websters 1913)

on Aug 25, 2005

pregnancies weren't measured in trimesters prior to 1973? do tell.

Note the comma.  I never said their measuring of the pregnancy in trimesters was the decision, now did I?

Do tell.

on Aug 25, 2005

God I hate to say this....but kingbee is 100% correct Doc, and you're 100% wrong.

No, I did not claim that the Roe V Wade system set up the system of trimesters.  YOu did not note the comma either, only saying that the decision, which was based upon the trimesters, was one of the worst ever made.  And it has nothing to do with the point of this article.  Perhaps I should have worded it better, but they USED the trimester system in their decision.

on Aug 25, 2005
God I hate to say this....but kingbee is 100% correct Doc, and you're 100% wrong.

No, I did not claim that the Roe V Wade system set up the system of trimesters. YOu did not note the comma either, only saying that the decision, which was based upon the trimesters, was one of the worst ever made. And it has nothing to do with the point of this article. Perhaps I should have worded it better, but they USED the trimester system in their decision.

Your right, I missed it entirely! My bad. Sorry.
on Sep 01, 2005

Your right, I missed it entirely! My bad. Sorry.

Actually, I figure you would be glad.  Now you dont have to agree with kingbee.

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