Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
How nice to Dismiss what you do not Understand
Published on August 17, 2005 By Dr Guy In Blogging

With Kudos to Texas Wahine for beating me to the punch (I have been busy):

I do want to chime in on this blatant and apparent ignorant stigmatism and stereotyping by our northern brethren.

First of all, the illustrious north is so ignorant of the real south, that like Howard Dean, they think it is filled with a bunch of KKK robed individuals running around trying to lynch every black man in existance.  They and their willing media shout out the headlines of the ones who conform to the stereotype and play it up like this is 19th century America!  The dragging death of the black man in Texas!  The crosses run over! Shock!  Horror!  We cannot trust these crackers/rednecks/trailerpark trash (chose as many as you like) to run their own government!

Thus spake the elite northerners who have no conception and no comprehension of true southern life.

They use them to dismiss what they dont understand.  They use them derogatorally just as the KKK and other ignorant PWT uses the N----- term to dismiss all blacks out of hand.  Both are wrong, and it is high time that both got put in their place.

Indeed, the America of today is not the America of 40 years ago when blacks were pigeonholed and spat upon.  Today, they enjoy an elite status, untouchable in civilized society.  But for the White Southern male?  He is the new N-----!  you can say anything about him and not be reviled in polite society!  For that is what they are.

But I am here to tell you that is just as blatantly racist as the other usage.  And using the term 'Redneck, cracker or trailerpark trash" only belies your own racism and blatant prejudice.  And it is time to stop being slaves to your racist masters who push these stereotypes.

When you categorize that way, all you are doing is showing that you are a real carpet bagger.  One who is neither of the south or from the south. One who needs to look down upon a class of people so that you may feel superior.  Since your slave masters now have made minorities verbotten (blacks and hispanics, but not Asians - hmmmmmm), you have to find another minority to trash.  And since WASP (altho I minority per se) is fair game, lets gang up on them!

It does not behoove you or your cause when you resort to such blantant societal bigotry.  It would make more sense to take those planks out of your eyes (Detroit, Boston, LA) before you start picking at our nits. 

I dont recall a Chinese in Mobile be beaten to death because he was mistaken for a japanese.

I dont recall the race riots Watts, Detroit or South Boston being in Mississippi.

3 fingers.  Back at you.


Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 29, 2005

such admirable humility is a real tribute to their race.

As usual, you take a sentence out of context and distort it.  I said nothing about their lifestyle.  Show me where I did?  You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make him drink.  We have given them the super elite status above that of Whites (with Affirmative action and hate crimes).

While I wil not deny that racism still exists within white society, it is more rampant in black society as any thing goes if you are not black, but egg shells are the dish of the day if you are black.

on Sep 29, 2005

if only someone had the moral courage to stand up to the power structure that prevents white southern males from using the same rest rooms, water fountains, public accomodations as other human beings, prohibits them from voting and looks the other way when they're continually victimized by those who believe them to be inferior.

So racism is ok as long as you dont practice segregation?  Is that what you are arguing?

Do you realize how stupid that sounds and is?

on Sep 29, 2005

You're not a loony loopy luddite, Myrr, nothing that exotic at all, although you do try hard. You're just a garden variety, mundane, run-of-the mill asshole.

No, he is a loony loopy luddite.  He just is a more well read one than the run of the mill loony loopy luddites.

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