The drama of Cindy Sheehan is playing out in Crawford Texas. What started out as a bereaved Mother wanting to confront Bush for the death of her son has turned into a media frenzy fed by many of the wacko groups of the loony left.
It has gotten so bad that her remaining son is pleading with her to come home, her husband is divorcing her, and the rest of her family is running away from her so fast that the Flash would be hard pressed to keep up.
All for what? For something that started as a protest over things she did not understand (as she originally admitted). And if it had stopped there, then this would be just another sad tale in a world full of sad tales.
But something happened on the way to her protest. The loony left took control and made her into a mind numbed robot (What the hell does Israel and Palestine have to do with her original protest?). Instead they are pimping her for the media coverage and to try to advance their own agenda. And she is really too stupid to understand she has become just another whore for the loony left's agenda.
Her case is sad enough, and she did garner some sympathy at the beginning. That is long since gone as the rest of the world (the sane part) looks on and tut tuts this new whore for the far left's agenda. And one asks why are they doing this? Why is the left become just a bunch of pimps of people, who sell the whores bodies until they wear out, and then discard them like so many Junkie whores we see on the streets of America? Where did the loony left lose its heart and become the lowest dregs of society, willing to do anything to advance their agenda, to the point of equating blacks to animals, bald face lying about others, and using a women's loss of her son for their purposes.
Indeed, when one sees these actions from the far left, then we should not be surprised when Dean thinks that women as sexual slaves are better off than Women Voting. It then makes sense that Hillary Clinton would trash scores of women's reputations for a taste of power. It is obvious that Kerry would accuse 2.5 million men of atrocities he has no knowledge about, except his own. And it now seems like an afterthought that Kennedy would accuse others of lying after he drowned a woman.
That is the true face of the far left today. A bunch of pimps, selling their latest whores for their agenda, and then discarding them when they no longer serve their purpose.
It is a very sad statement on what the far left has become. But it is no longer surprising, and that is the saddest part of all.