In their extreme hatred of anything Bush, NARAL has decided to run an ad that is not only a bald face lie, but is libelous as well. In it, they accuse John Roberts of not only defending an Abortion Clinic Bomber, but in supporting the violence!
The only grain of truth to that was 7 years before the jerk bombed the clinic, Roberts did file a brioef supporting his cause in another case (one eventually upheld by the SCOTUS 6-3).
Instead, this ad treats us to not even innuendo of impropriety, but just a outright lie! Roberts never supported the bomber in his bombing charge, nor did he ever condone abortion clinic bombing.
But if you watch the NARAL ad, that is all you can conclude.
And how many people on the left have spoken out against this outright lie? If you guessed one, you are too high! Yet a year ago, when the Swift Boat vets were running ads that were not lies, the MSM told conservatives they must speak out against the ads!
Where is the MSM now? Where are the loony loopy luddite liberals now? No one is denouncing this ad.
And you thought NARAL was working for you? No, they are just working for their own brand of despotism and corruption.
What a bunch of outright, unquestioned jackasses! I hope that at least the Pro Choicers here will denounce those dunces.