Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Disclaimer: Not all Left or liberals are the above
Published on July 27, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

"Many families have been devastated tonight. This just is not right. They did not deserve to die. If someone did this to get back at Bush, then they did so by killing thousands of people who DID NOT VOTE for him! Boston, New York, DC, and the planes' destination of California--these were places that voted AGAINST Bush!" --Michael Moore,, September 12

Conservatives, just chalk this up to one who huffs too much!

Liberals, do you really want to be associated with this doofus?  Are you going to beleive his propaganda now?

What an ultramaroon!  What an imbecile!

BTW:  Hey Mickey, DC was not attacked.  Virginia was!  And we did vote for Bush!

If he cant even get that right, are you going to believe any of his other drool?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 28, 2005

So, only blacks would vote for Kerry, and those dumbass whities who may as well be black? So, why was it you left the KKK?

Now that is the Dabe I remember!  Irrelevant, obscene, and stupid.

on Jul 28, 2005

What Chief of Staff is a traitor? And the President said he would fire anyone found guilty. Remember guilty is the thing you demand proof of for terrorists, but automatically assume for Rove.

Anon trolls dont deserve respect or explanations.  Hence, I will not dignify his post with such.

on Jul 28, 2005

Don't know, do ya? But I know why you'll be leaving JU, and soon.

Keep it up.

A shame really.  If she could just follow the rules, we could enjoy her lunacy all the time.  I did note she is back in her old ways tho.  That post was classic Dabe.

on Jul 28, 2005

Hi DABE, when are you going to behave and use your own name again?

When they put her in a rubber room, and shoot her full of thorazine.

on Jul 28, 2005
We need a name for the Left that left and came back lefter
on Aug 01, 2005

We need a name for the Left that left and came back lefter

Well, you know what they say.  If you are not right, you are left.

on Oct 20, 2005
If you are not right, you are left.

Is that what they meant in the book title, Left Behind? Because, considering the theme of the book, that title may be accurate on many levels.
on Oct 20, 2005
Sorry that post was well off topic. What was the topic again? Oh yeah, Michael Moore.

Whaddamaroon. How can anyone consider that the 9/11 attacks were choreographed by anyone other than al-Qaeda? I think the 9/11 Commission, as flawed and political as it was, established that no one was complicit with al-Qaeda's plans. That is not "party-line"; that is FACT. There was no connection between Atta, Padilla, or even Richard "Don't Look in my Shoes" Reid to the White House.

Liberal rants that start vicious irresponsible rumors are his stock in trade.
on Oct 20, 2005
Because it fits the "blame America" agenda. I remember soon after Sept. 11 the liberals were coming up with these grand conspiracies that Bush organized Sept. 11 so an oil pipeline could be built. It's just stupid really.

However, I saw at the recent anti-American demonstrations in Washington, that the people still believe these wacky conspiracies.
on Oct 20, 2005
Without the narcissisitic ranting of the apparently delusional and clinically paranoid Moore, how would he ever get any attention? It's a cycle of addiciton, plain and simple. He gets attention by going off in movies or interviews. The praise of the liberal elite makes him crave more. From there, he gets his fix by going off again, this time a little more out there, a little more inflammatory or inaccurate. Billed as "hard-hitting" or "uncompromising". Bringing him more praise and adulation. Narcissism, baby, pure narcissism.
on Oct 20, 2005
The left, left long ago, these senses that is!
on Nov 17, 2005
You need to add loudmouth.
They are the loony loopy luddite loudmouth liberals
on Nov 26, 2005

Exhibit B:

mcdaniel gave this reply to my article on the global warming moron-a-thon:

why wouldn't you guys want to air on the side of caution? i mean....we are talking about the possible destruction of earth. i mean, it's preemptive. you all like preemptive wars don't you? take this one.

I replied:


I already EXPLAINED how I'm "erring on the side of caution". Are you suggesting that I move outside in a tent and live off of roots and berries?

mcdaniel responded:

actually, i was suggesting that you move outside in a tent and live off of roots and berries


I swear I'm not making this stuff up! You can check the responses if you wish. While I respect mcdaniel for honesty, I think his statements are patently absurd.

So maybe your label DOES fit!

on Nov 26, 2005
So maybe your label DOES fit!

And maybe celebrities aren't the only ones who like to partake in "moron-a-thons".
on Nov 26, 2005

Is that what they meant in the book title, Left Behind? Because, considering the theme of the book, that title may be accurate on many levels.

Sorry, just noticed some activity here, but that is a great one!

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