Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on July 23, 2005 By Dr Guy In History

The people who are starting college this fall across the nation were born in 1987.

They have no meaningful recollection of the Reagan Era and probably did not know he had ever been shot.

They were prepubescent when the Persian Gulf War was waged.

They were 2 when the Soviet Union broke apart and do not remember the Cold War.

They have never feared a nuclear war.

They are too young to remember the space shuttle blowing up.

Tianamen Square means nothing to them.

Bottle caps have always been screw off and plastic.

Atari predates them, as do vinyl albums.

The expression "You sound like a broken record" means nothing to them. They have never owned a record player.

They have likely never played Pac Man and have never heard of Pong.

They may have never heard of an 8 track. The Compact Disc was introduced before they were born.

As far as they know, stamps have always cost about 30+ cents.

They have always had an answering machine.

Most have never seen a TV set with only 13 channels, nor have they seen a black and white TV. They have always had cable.

There have always been VCRs, but they have no idea what BETA was.

They cannot fathom not having a remote control.

They don't know what a cloth baby diaper is, or know about the "Help me, I've fallen and I can't get up" commercial.

They were born the year that Walkmen were introduced by Sony.

Roller skating has always meant inline for them.

Jay Leno has always been on the Tonight Show.

They have no idea when or why Jordache jeans were cool.

Popcorn has always been cooked in the microwave.

They have never seen Larry Bird play.

They never took a swim and thought about Jaws.

The Vietnam War is as ancient history to them as WWI, WWII and the Civil War.

They have no idea that Americans were ever held hostage in Iran.

They can't imagine what hard contact lenses are.

They don't know who Mork was or where he was from.

They never heard: "Where's the beef?", "I'd walk a mile for a Camel," or "De plane, de plane!"

They have no idea who J.R. was, and don't care who shot him.

The Titanic was FOUND? They thought we always knew where it was.

Michael Jackson has always been "white."

Kansas, Chicago, Boston, America, and Alabama are places, not rock bands.

McDonalds never came in styrofoam containers.

There has always been MTV.

They don't have a clue how to use a typewriter.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 25, 2005

Not usually the case I know, Dr Guy (), but I really wasn't thinking of 'winning' or 'losing' on this particular occasion! It's just that 1987 was a watershed year for me, and I distinctly remember having quite a few CDs before it all started.

I held off cause I always liked the jackets on the LPs.  I guess I got my first CDs back in 95.

on Jul 26, 2005
'I held off cause I always liked the jackets on the LPs.'
Couldn't agree more. It's a great loss. In my opinion, album cover design has been an art form in decline ever since.
on Jul 26, 2005

Couldn't agree more. It's a great loss. In my opinion, album cover design has been an art form in decline ever since.

I am a huge Moody Blues fan, and have every one of their albums.  Their jackets were always art.

on Jul 28, 2005
Gosh I remember a lot of those things! Shows how "old" I am! I was humming a song this morning and my young student who works with me was totally clueless to it! It was "Killing me Softly" Can you imagine?! Aw kids....

I also fondly remembered when I used to collect bottle caps as a child and made skipping rope (or jump rope) to do "chinese skipping" out of the little rubber bands in the them. How those were the days!
on Jul 28, 2005

It was "Killing me Softly"

Roberta Flack!  One of my favorites when I was in HS!

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