A comment made on another thread got me thinking about how this war is being prosecuted. The quote:
could it possibly be that bush, cheney, wolfowitz, perle, abrams, negroponte and all the rest of your heroes who've been tossing lives and money at the problem don't know sh*t bout prosecuting a war?
I was watching the history channel the other day, and it was about the Vietnam war and how the bombing campaign was being run. Nothing could be bombed unless it came from the president himself (LBJ for the liberals hating Nixon for a war he ended). In fact, every decision made was made in the oval office and then passed to McNamara and then on to the field commanders.
And as we all know, it was a cluster flop. For Johnson knew as much about running a military campaign as Generals know about being Senators. It not only failed to achieve any objectives, it emboldened the North Vietnamese, demoralized the American troops and led to what is clearly the worst beating the US has ever endured.
Now, contrast that with Iraq. I sincerely believe the poster quote above is 100% correct. But, those people are not prosecuting the war. The generals in charge of the troops are. And that is why Iraq will never be Vietnam. The politicians named above, from the President on down the list of subordinates, set the goal. And the military men set the strategy and day to day objectives.
You would have thought that LBJ would have at least learned from history and Hitler that a leader must lead and let his Generals fight the battles. But Power is a narcissism that clouds many people's judgment and so it did with LBJ.
It did not with Bush, Cheney, et. al. So the next time you think Bush is so stupid, just remember. At least he did not flunk history, and learned some lessons that other leaders have not.
Seems the only stupid people are the ones that think a leader has to make every decision regarding battles in war. Or the leaders who think that as well.