Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
They just cant help themselves
Published on July 11, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Like lays potato chips, the loony left leadership (Note to Lefties at JU: That was a qualifier)just cant stop being loony!  In the latest demonstration on how not to win friends and influence non-loony loopy luddite lefties, Hillary Clinton blasted Bush and compared him to Alfred E. Newman.

Now I for one grew up on Mad magazine, and their Spy v SPy and movie parodies are some fo the greatest fiction I have ever read and laughed at.  INdeed, I like Alfred E. Newman.  But I would not compare Hillary Clinton to a cartoon character.

An inmate at Sunnydale Home for the mentally incapacited sure!  But then I am not an esteemed (or in her case just soft boiled) member of the US Senate as she and the 40 odd (yes very odd) members of her party are.  Or a member of the House of Reps where almost another 200 of the loons make their nests each day.

The liberals like to rail at Bush for being a Uniter not a Divider.  So I am issuing a challenge.  One I fully expect no liberal to accept as they never do.

Show us in words where Bush has been a divider.  Where he has called Kennedy a drunk, Kerry a skunk, Dean a loon, or Hillary a bitch.  Point to any speech.  Any statement that contains any statements about any members of the loony left leadership in a less than flattering light.

Show us.  If you can, I will reward you with a cookie!

But as you will not, this article will merely stand to show why the left will not get their finger on the trigger of power.  Too many people are afraid they would really push that button! 

Would you trust someone who cannot even control their own tongue to control an arsenal the size the US has?  Perhaps that is why the left leadership wants to disarm us.  They KNOW they would use the weapons, so they ASSUME the republicans would as well.

Loony see, loony do.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 11, 2005

Did I ever say Kerry was more intelligent?

I dont seem to recollect an affirmative statement of declaration leading to that conclusion on your behalf.

on Jul 11, 2005
I dont seem to recollect an affirmative statement of declaration leading to that conclusion on your behalf.

With the usage of the vocabulary in that particular statement it would be possible for you to be a candidate in the next election. Have you ever considered that?
on Jul 11, 2005
I think it is going beyond that. Do they realize they are now losing the next one?

No they don't. What's funny is that they actually think Hillary would be a great canidate.
on Jul 11, 2005

With the usage of the vocabulary in that particular statement it would be possible for you to be a candidate in the next election. Have you ever considered that?

No, I think I got whiplash of the tongue after saying it!

on Jul 11, 2005

No they don't. What's funny is that they actually think Hillary would be a great canidate.

Just wait until they nominate her!  Then the laughs will really begin!  If Hillary is elected president, she will set women's rights back 60 years.

You heard it here first!

on Jul 11, 2005
Well he did call that NYT reporter, Adam Clymer, a "major league asshole". Granted, he didn't know his mic was on...

I thought that was hilarious.

I also thought Hilary's comparison was cute and had a bit of merit (I haven't heard the full quote, but on FOX News (omg, why was I watching that?) they recapped saying that she had said that his attitude was, "What, me worry?").

And you gotta admit that Bush looks a bit like Neuman.

Was it wrong of Hillary to criticize the President in such a trivial, petty way?

*shrug* Dunno. I don't give Hillary's words much thought. Didn't really influence my view of the President, but it did make me chuckle.
on Jul 13, 2005

Was it wrong of Hillary to criticize the President in such a trivial, petty way?

The quote you quoted was not about a member of the opposition, nor during his tenure as president.  Should Bush start calling a shillery a bitch just because she is?  It would put him on her level, but he will not stoop that low.

on Jul 13, 2005
The quote you quoted was not about a member of the opposition, nor during his tenure as president.

I don't think it matters. I don't have the same view of the sacredness of the Presidency that you do. I don't think he should be free from criticism or condemnation because he's President.

Yeah, it might have been petty and crass for Hillary to make those comments, but what impact will it have?

Those who are staunch Bush supporters will use their outrage and disgust to justify their viewpoint and those who dislike Bush will laugh and say, "Yeah, she's right."

Nothing changes.

I think we just have different opinions about what's appropriate or should be allowed.

PS - You don't think Bush has called Hillary a bitch before?
on Jul 14, 2005

PS - You don't think Bush has called Hillary a bitch before?

Not out in public anyway.
on Jul 15, 2005

PS - You don't think Bush has called Hillary a bitch before?

Probably, but not in public.  That is the difference.

on Jul 15, 2005
There has always been something about Hillary that just makes my skin crawl.

The fact that she has no soul? She has always seemed like a cold, power hungry bitch to me. I don't think it is funny that anyone thinks she would be a good presidential candidate. I find it scary.

If Hillary is elected president, she will set women's rights back 60 years.
You heard it here first!
I didn't hear it hear first Dr Guy. I heard it first in my head the first time I ever heard anyone suggest it.
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