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Now the spit is going to hit the spam
Published on July 1, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics
Not Rehnquist, altho he still has time.  But now we are going to see the nastiest side of the democrats.  Watch for the vitriol and invectives to start flying!
Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 02, 2005
I remember Nixon. The Republican Party was in shambles. Several third parties sprang up to replace the seemingly dead GOP. One thing you can be sure of, Politics in America is fickled and one event can change everything.
on Jul 06, 2005
Watch for the vitriol and invectives to start flying! Wipe your mouth--you're drooling.
on Jul 06, 2005

Sticks finger in ear..lalalalalal....

Sorry Doc I couldn't resist when I saw yours about this!

Oh, this is the calm before the storm!

on Jul 06, 2005

Which the republicans will "promptly" blow-up with the "nuclear option"!

If they can find some spines between now and then.

on Jul 06, 2005

You guys think you saw the real hatred from the left. Just wait. Nothing they did before the election will compare to the hate that is coming.

Oh, I know it!  Already Biden is spitting on himself:

"If [Bush] sent up Edith Jones, I could assure you that would be a very, very, very difficult fight - and she would probably be filibustered," Biden told CBS's "Face the Nation."

In the next breath Biden corrected himself, saying: "I misspoke, I misspoke. Janice Rogers Brown is what I meant to say."

ANd he actually got elected!

on Jul 06, 2005

Besides, what do you think will happen when the Democrats regain the majority?

If you can show me where the republicans used the filibuster on Judicial nominees in the past, your statement might have some relevance.  As it is, Ruth Buzzi got a unanimous vote, even tho she is left of Mao.

on Jul 06, 2005

That's not a when, it's an "if".

And the way they are going, a BIG if.

on Jul 06, 2005

More importantly, people MIGHT start taking who they elect to the White House and Congress more seriously, since they will actually feel the results in terms of their rights.

If there are any left by then.

on Jul 06, 2005

I remember Nixon. The Republican Party was in shambles.

The difference between Nixon of the 70s and the democrats of the 21st century, is the Republicans took their lumps got over it and went on.  The democrats refused to take their lumps (it depends on what he meaning of the word is is), refuse to get over (Bush is a liar and a thief) it, and refuse to move on (Selected not elected).

on Jul 06, 2005

Watch for the vitriol and invectives to start flying! Wipe your mouth--you're drooling.

Oops!  Scuse me please.

on Jul 08, 2005
The difference between Nixon of the 70s and the democrats of the 21st century, is the Republicans took their lumps got over it and went on.

The Republicans had a former Democratic Governor (Ronald Wilson Reagan) who was underestimated by almost everybody. At the time he defeated Jimmy Carter the Democrats had firm control of the house and senate. It is not too often that either party has the likes of a Ronald Reagan to come along.

And, like him or not, Newt Gingrich had a fit of genius when he engineered and lead the greatest congressional turn around in modern politics. The Contract With America influence remains today.
on Jul 08, 2005

And, like him or not, Newt Gingrich had a fit of genius when he engineered and lead the greatest congressional turn around in modern politics. The Contract With America influence remains today.

No, I disagree.  he was just at the right place at the right time.  That the Republican majority has survived his tenure is testament to that.

The Pendulum was swinging in the 70s until Watergate.  it took them another 20 years to bring it back.

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