The Supreme court ruled on 2 displays of the 10 commandments. In one, they ruled that they could not be displayed in courthouses, except their own (as there is one on the Supreme Court). In the other, they ruled the 10 commandments can be displayed on Government property.
For most rational thinking people, this clearly is a set of decisions that cannot easily be explained. And it goes to show how some just cant make up their mind on the legality of religious symbols in government. The only reason that one was upheld and the other was struck down was due to Breyer as he was the swing vote on both apparently.
But more so than giving a partial victory to the advocates of the 10 commandments, this split decision just opens a can or worms that I am sure will be tested over the coming years. And where the new rulings will fall is anyone's guess.
Personally, I wish they had been consistent so we could say goodbye to the issue once and for all. But in switching his Vote, Justice Breyer has guaranteed that nuances are going to percolate up through the courts for the foreseeable future.
If congress had any Cahones, they would pass a Constitutional Amendment either supporting the display, or outright banning it so that lawyers would not be feasting for years to come on the carcass of this days rulings.