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Pot Calling the Kettle Black
Published on June 24, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Many have already heard about the decision of the Berkeley School Board to rename the Thomas Jefferson Elementary school because "Jefferson owned slaves".  So what name did they pick?  Sequoia!

There is a little problem with that name however.  As a some have pointed out:

Some community members have pointed out that under Chief Sequoia's leadership in the early 19th century, the Cherokee nation owned more than 1,500 black slaves. A spokesman for the Berkeley Unified School District, Mark Coplan, acknowledged that Chief Sequoia "presumably owned slaves and was rather barbaric,"

So as the head doofuss freely admits, Chief Sequoia was a worse slave holder than Jefferson!  Yet change they will.

Which just goes to show that when the loony loopy luddite left gets on its horse over an issue, the facts never do stand in their way.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 24, 2005
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black indeed! This is so preposterous that it defies sensible commentary!
on Jun 24, 2005
Sad to see, honestly. There's your secular humanism at work, right in front of your face.

My question is, why didn't the people of the community stand up against the board?
on Jun 24, 2005

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black indeed! This is so preposterous that it defies sensible commentary!

I am sure there are those on the other side of the spectrum, altho I dont know of them.  Still, it is helpful to us all to see the extremes one goes to  and the contortions they must use to get there.

BTW. For the record, TJ is my numero uno American.  SO I really hate what those doofusses are doing anyway!.

on Jun 24, 2005

My question is, why didn't the people of the community stand up against the board?

You are young, right?  You dont know about berkeley?  Suffice it to say, the board is well representative of the community!

We can hope we can put all the loons on reservations like that.

on Jun 25, 2005
That's right up there with the whole "Marquette University" thing in Milwaukee. They used to be "The Warriors", but since, of course the word Warriors has no other connotation than American Indians, about 10 years ago the board changed the name to "Golden Eagles". For the last decade the Golden Eagles name has been universally rejected by the faculty, alumni and students. Around Milwaukee you see Marquette Merchandise everywhere, but so few people bought anything with "Golden Eagles" on it, they just stopped making any.

So, the Board of Trustees, in all their wisdom, announced they were going to consider changing the name. A huge drive was launched by the Alumni to go back to Warriors. Of course, that would make sense, so the educated idiots running the place rejected the idea. Why? Because out of all the tribes in Wisconsin (who never did have a problem with "Warriors"), the Board found 1 Chief who said if found it offensive. That tribe is among the smallest in Wisconsin and there isn't a member of that tribe closer than 200 miles.

From Berkely to Milwaukee, Political Correctness has seemed to replace the ability to think!!!
on Jun 25, 2005
Same with SDSU (San Diego State University). They "used" to be called the "Aztecs". No more.
on Jun 25, 2005

So, the Board of Trustees, in all their wisdom, announced they were going to consider changing the name. A huge drive was launched by the Alumni to go back to Warriors. Of course, that would make sense, so the educated idiots running the place rejected the idea. Why? Because out of all the tribes in Wisconsin (who never did have a problem with "Warriors"), the Board found 1 Chief who said if found it offensive. That tribe is among the smallest in Wisconsin and there isn't a member of that tribe closer than 200 miles.

Warriors has nothing to do with Native americans.  It is a class of citizens in old rome.

on Jun 25, 2005

Same with SDSU (San Diego State University). They "used" to be called the "Aztecs". No more.

They still have the signs up around there.  Everything says Aztecs.

on Jun 25, 2005
Facts? Why confuse people with the facts?
on Jun 25, 2005
Hey, as long as they feel they're being politically correct they shouldn't let facts bother them any.
on Jun 25, 2005

Facts? Why confuse people with the facts?

Ah, the anathema of the PC crowd!  Cant be confusing rational thought with facts!

on Jun 25, 2005

Hey, as long as they feel they're being politically correct they shouldn't let facts bother them any.

Sad and true.  Any wonder why no liberals have posted?

on Jun 25, 2005
Maybe JU breeds a smarter version of liberal that can recognize a bad idea when it jumps up, slaps them in the face and says, "Look at me! Look at me!"

Then again ... maybe not.
on Jun 26, 2005

Maybe JU breeds a smarter version of liberal that can recognize a bad idea when it jumps up, slaps them in the face and says, "Look at me! Look at me!"

Then again ... maybe not.

I would go with your first idea.  JU does not have too many stupid liberals.

on Jun 26, 2005
Maybe JU breeds a smarter version of liberal that can recognize a bad idea when it jumps up, slaps them in the face and says, "Look at me! Look at me!"

Then again ... maybe not.

I would go with your first idea. JU does not have too many stupid liberals.

still hunting for the elusive fair-minded liberal.
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