Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
You wont listen to the voters
Published on June 15, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

And along comes Martin Frost, a long time democrat player.  Who, guess what?  Is saying what republicans and conservatives have been saying for 5 years. 

Democrats, you are not connecting with the average voter!

Now I know he shapes the debate in terms of the middle class (that is people making $30k - $75k), but isn't the middle class the 'average' american?

And you are getting stomped.  Worse than that, you are targetting a diminishing demographic.  You despise the rich, and preach to the poor.  But the ugly fact is that as we lift the poor out of their lower class into the middle class, you are losing them!

Why?  Because your message is not positive.  It is one of hate and doom and gloom.  Unless and until you figure out that people dont want to hear your negatavism, you are going to lose more and more of them.

Why?  Because most people are not stupid.  You can call them victims for only so long before they realize that the only victims are the ones that vote for your failed policies.

Will you listen this time?  Doubtful.  You dont listen period.  Perfect people dont listen to the rest of humanity.  Why should they?  They know everything already.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 15, 2005
isn't the middle class the 'average' american?

I always thought the "average American" was a fictitious entity used only in statics, polls, and political ravings.
on Jun 15, 2005
I agree with mason, there is no average american no more than there is an average europian, or south american or canadian.
on Jun 15, 2005

always thought an average American was one who had average values

It can mean that to you.  To others it means the middle class.  Not rich, not poor, working to make a living.

on Jun 15, 2005

I always thought the "average American" was a fictitious entity used only in statics, polls, and political ravings

If you are looking for THE average, yes.  If you are wanting to make a generalized statement about americans, then the term average american is usually used.  With the understanding that there are exceptions.

on Jun 15, 2005

I agree with mason, there is no average american no more than there is an average europian, or south american or canadian.

As an individual, I agree.  But as a group, Average Americans are Middle Class.

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