Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Not a tinkers chance in Hell
Published on June 10, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Mark Warner, current governor of Virginia and no other elected office, is thinking of running for president.  he bought the governorship.  He is a rich Business man from NVA.  And his tenure?  Average, or slightly below.  He did force a tax hike on the commonwealth even tho it was not needed.  And since Va. Governors cannot run for a second consecutive term, he is out of a job in 7 months.

So now he is talking about running for president.  Well, there are a lot worse choices like all the front runners out there in the democrat party so far.  But he is just too - no, strike that.  i was going to say inexperience.  he may not be, altho right now he presents himself as a moderate (and has governed close to that).

now comes the irony!  One of the rising stars in the Republican party is George Allen (son of for you redskin fans).  He is a former governer and current senator and a very popular Virginia Politician.  Given the current Republican field (and lots can change in 3 years), Allen looks very strong.

So, what would happen if it was Allen Vs Warner!  The home state advantage would be gone!  And actually, even tho I hated his stupid tax increase, Warner is not a bad guy (not too bright either tho).

NJ, Prepare for number 44!  pen at the ready! Virginian #10 may be in the making!

(For those of you who have not read NJ's series on the presidents, DO IT).

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 10, 2005
And they are off!  Out of the padlock is Warner and Allen, neck and neck!
on Jun 10, 2005
So when do you think Jeb Bush will run? It's already a dynasty.
on Jun 10, 2005
That would be one of the best examples of irony I have ever heard in my life.

(For those of you who have not read NJ's series on the presidents, DO IT).

Gee, Guy, I still can't tell whether or not you like my presidents series.
on Jun 10, 2005
I still think it will be Hillary in 2008 for the Dems. She's no spring chicken, and by 2012 or 2016, she'll have to deal with Barak Obama and the other young whippersnappers.

I just don't see her sitting on her hands for another 4 years and risk facing a Republican running for a second term.
on Jun 10, 2005
Oh no... please dont do this. we just got through one of these damned elections.. But if i must put my 2 cents in (of course i must, what am i tlaking about?), I'd still like to see Hillary v. Condelleeza Rice
on Jun 10, 2005
Condi couldn't beat Hillary. Mabye Rudy could, or Powell, if he was annoyed enough by her attempt to run himself.
on Jun 10, 2005
My favorite prominent American politican said he wouldn't run because...well...he's...head of the DNC. There! I admitted I'm a Deaniac. Happy?! But at least he didn't vote for the 87 billion dollars before he voted against it.

I hope Quayle runs. I love it when I get a bit of comic relief mixed in with politics. Although W gives me a enough of that to last a while.
on Jun 11, 2005

So when do you think Jeb Bush will run? It's already a dynasty.

After Florida 2000, never.  That killed his chance.  And I would not worry about Dynasties.  Were the Adams or the harrisons dynasties?  Or even the Roosevelts.  Where are they now?

on Jun 11, 2005

That would be one of the best examples of irony I have ever heard in my life.

Personally, I dont think Warner is qualified, and Allen does seem a bit light in the substance category.  But it sure would be fun!  If Warner does run (and allen does not), the democrats would salivate over taking a Solidily republican state to their side of the force!  He is out of office next year, so he has 3 years to build the base of the democrats.  It could happen!  Clinton did it with less chutzpah than warner has (but he is a better talker).

And as for your series, oh, I guess it is ok. (NOT!  I look forward to every installment!)

on Jun 11, 2005

I still think it will be Hillary in 2008 for the Dems. She's no spring chicken, and by 2012 or 2016, she'll have to deal with Barak Obama and the other young whippersnappers.

I just don't see her sitting on her hands for another 4 years and risk facing a Republican running for a second term.

No question she is going to run.  But she does have to win the nomination.  And I would say she is odds on favorite at this time.  But a lot can happen in 3 years (scandals and such).  We shall see.

on Jun 11, 2005

Oh no... please dont do this. we just got through one of these damned elections.. But if i must put my 2 cents in (of course i must, what am i tlaking about?), I'd still like to see Hillary v. Condelleeza Rice

Hillary is a sure thing (to run).  Condi wont unless drafted and that is unlikely.  More probably she will be a Veep for the runner.

And for the record, politics never ends in the old dominion.  We elect a governnor this year, and then the entire legislature in 07, so we got races every year.  SO of course it is going to come up and up and up.....

on Jun 11, 2005

My favorite prominent American politican said he wouldn't run because...well...he's...head of the DNC. There! I admitted I'm a Deaniac. Happy?! But at least he didn't vote for the 87 billion dollars before he voted against it.

We like Dean too!  best thing to happen to conservatives since McGovern!  If you like, we will trade you Dean for the Toronto maple Leafs.

on Jun 11, 2005
And for the record, politics never ends in the old dominion. We elect a governnor this year, and then the entire legislature in 07, so we got races every year. SO of course it is going to come up and up and up.....

::Begins to weep at the this shoking realization::

on Jun 11, 2005
Condi couldn't beat Hillary. Mabye Rudy could, or Powell, if he was annoyed enough by her attempt to run himself.

I'm thinking the GOP will slip Condi into the veep position if Hillary gets the nomination. Though it's a lesser position, her "double minority" status could trump Hillary as far as public perception. As for Rudy, he would be a nono for me...I can't stand the thought of a Rudy/Hillary ALL!

Honestly, though, I'm wondering if Hillary can even pull down the party nomination. There seems to be as much public perception AGAINST her as for her...but that's just my 2 cents.
on Jun 11, 2005
::Begins to weep at the this shoking realization::

There, there. It will be alright.
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