Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Ban the Massachuttes State Flag!
Published on May 20, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

140 years after blacks were freed, 120 years since the last major Indian battles, the lone bastion of racism is finally being taken down.

Is this some backwater truckstop in Mississippi or Alabama?  No.  Is this come long forgotten Jim Crow berg in Georgia? No.

Is this some racist facist neo-con podunk ignorant southern white trash town?


It is Boston Massachusettes.  Where for the last 330 years, no Indian has been allowed to legally walk in Boston.  How did these racial purist determine an indian?  Must have been from the color of the skin as they did not set a law that says if you are '1/32' Indian, you are indian.

This, the home of 2 of the most liberal senators in congress, the home of Barney Frank, the only State to Vote for McGovern in 72, this liberal bastion is being shown for the small minded bigotted little burg it is.

As a long standing member of the Mattaponi Indian Tribe, I declare the state Flag of Massachusettes to be a symbol of racism and hatred.  And all who display it are racists sexist Nazi Facist Homophobe bigots.

Shun them, for they are evil.  Shun any who support them for they are evil as well.

Shun War Criminal (by his own mouth) Kerry and murderer Kennedy and all the racist bigots in Massachusettes!

To do less is to support them and be a racist yourself.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 22, 2005
I don't believe you one stinkin' bit. When I first started posting here, I nicely and rather naively began posting some political stuff that was important to me. It didn't take long for you jingo nationalists to come and insult and bash me every time I hit the keyboard. Granted, I was over the top when whipsy posted that Teresa cookie article. Frankly, that one's pure nonsense just stunned me. Swearing and namecalling is just my reaction to your, and your lying righie buddies' venom, lying and hate. GET FREAKIN' REAL!

I've said this before and I'll say it again. Would you like me to start reposting all the crap you've spewed at JU? I can as I have saved off each and every one of them. And if you want to get technical about it...YOUR the one that started the crap on this thread! No one else! SO YOU GET FREAKING REAL!
on May 22, 2005
I can as I have saved off each and every one of them.

You saved all my posts? I'm flattered.
on May 22, 2005
Swearing and namecalling is just my reaction to your, and your lying righie buddies' venom

I would tend to say that this stems from your own poor ability to control your temper.
on May 22, 2005
I can as I have saved off each and every one of them.

You saved all my posts? I'm flattered.

I wouldn't be if I was you. They weren't saved to make nice-nice!
on May 22, 2005
No, I imagine not. Just your sicko attempt to drive me off this site. Amazing. You actually saved my posts. Talk about obsessive...... Past posts won't work, however. As I was warned by one of the moderators, and I have been heeding her warning, you're shit out of luck on this score. I'm here. Get used to it.
on May 22, 2005
I have been heeding her warning, you're shit out of luck on this score. I'm here. Get used to it.

Actually NO you haven't:

Reply By: dabe Posted: Friday, May 20, 2005

And who woulda thought you were as fucking ugly as your personality.

Just so you know that I'm not just jerking your chain.

Spoken like a true white supremist. Fact is, the law was on the books. Fact was, although it has not been enforced for centuries, the Native Americans wanted it off the books. How could you blame them? Eeeerrrrrrr......... leave that to whitey whipsy.

As for the original intent of this article, hardly worth commenting on, other than to point out that it's reactionary hyperbolic nonsense. Whatever you think about the MA flag does not negate the controversy surrounding the confederate flag. Anyone who displays the confed flag shouldn't be all agaga because they are steeped in controversy. To think otherwise is indicative of having one's head up one's ass.

Now you want to tell me again who started the sh*t storm on this thread?
on May 22, 2005
I wish to hell you all

--I hope not I...

I nicely and rather naively began posting some political stuff that was important to me. It didn't take long for you jingo nationalists to come and insult and bash me every time

--You do realise that this will happen, look at the majority here, they are rightwinged,you and your beliefs are not, so about 75% of the time you are going to run the chance of bashhing..

--being blind/ignorant of things can be a good thing...

on May 22, 2005
What was this article about again? Uhhh...oh yeah, law in Boston about Indians not being allowed to walk there. Frankly, who cares? I bet if I looked hard enough I could find a law that forbids me from walking somewhere in New Jersey. It's not like they regularly enforce it.
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