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What has that got to do with anything?
Published on May 9, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Ok, I was one of the ones that said the fiance of jennifer Wilbanks has a hole in his head for marrying her.  And I still agree that he should hold her at arms length for some time.  But this latest news is just plain stupid and irrelevant!

It seems that 10 or so years ago, she was busted for shoplifting.  She got off with community service.

But I have to ask, what has that got to do with anything?  NOTHING!

That is so muckraking, it is pathetic!  And no wonder why so many people dont listen to the MSM any longer.

So who cares she got busted! She did her time, and that has nothing to do with her antics in New Mexico!

Talk about journalistic arrogance!  And we are suppose to listen to these clowns?  I think not.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 10, 2005

No, but if you consider that 'not news' then neither is Jennifer Garner getting knocked up, gay men's brains reacting differently to straight men's, or Angelina and Brad watching her kid make sandcastles on the beach. (Those were all things that were on in the past week)

See previous post!  Thanks for providing the examples for it!

on May 10, 2005

What we (you and I) consider newsworthy and what the people who edit these sites consider newsworthy are obviously two very different things.

That is because we use common sense.  Something decidely lacking at the sites in question.

on May 10, 2005

That's true, but then ours aren't based on dollars.

Supposedly (and since this comes from CBS, take it with a salt lick), neither is theirs.

on May 10, 2005

Wow...some people have no damn life at all...she's not even running for president and they have to dig up long dead crap.

I had not thought of that angle!  Now, it is not only politicians, but anyone who gets their 15 minutes of fame (Andy Warhol)!

on May 10, 2005

How do you think they keep in practice for election time?

If you dont stop, I am going to run out of insightfuls!

on May 10, 2005

I guess it's just...pff... i dunno... a waste of time... And they get paid for it!

The only other occupation that I see that gets paid for a waste of time is Politicians!  Guess the 4th estate is now like the other 3.

on May 10, 2005

It seems obvious that the status of 'journalism' has sunk to a new level. With morons like that writing the articles, makes one wonder just how much of the political bullshit we read is just that...bullshit!

Does make you wonder...........whatever happened to that girl that ran off to Africa to save Kerry?

on May 10, 2005

And wasn't George Soros going to spend a year in a Tibetian Monastary if Bush got re-elected?

Isn't he?  Who has heard anything of him since his debacle?

on May 10, 2005
Two burning questions remain;

Although she wound up in New Mexico, I remember hearing she ran off to Las Vegas...what did she do there ? Is her adventure there going to stay there?

In questioning her sanity, having looked at her picture, who would NOT think she is bonkers ? I mean look at those big ol' BUG EYES !!!!!
on May 10, 2005
New York Times had a motto... ALL THE NEWS THAT"S FIT TO PRINT....

Today it could be.... ALL THE NEWS THAT FITS WE PRINT
on May 10, 2005

Although she wound up in New Mexico, I remember hearing she ran off to Las Vegas...what did she do there ? Is her adventure there going to stay there?

In questioning her sanity, having looked at her picture, who would NOT think she is bonkers ? I mean look at those big ol' BUG EYES !!!!!

As to your first, I think it will come out in time, regardless of LV's motto.  As to the latter, well, crazy is not against the law........yet!

on May 10, 2005

Today it could be.... ALL THE NEWS THAT FITS WE PRINT

You should send it to Little Pinch.  They would probably adopt it!

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