Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
And the Drama Queens riot
Published on April 20, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

To be honest, I expected a lot of hand wringing and gnashing of teeth when the College of Cardinals elected a new Pope.  I knew it was an impossible task to follow Pope John Paul II, and I suspect most of the Cardinals were well aware of it as well.

And indeed, there has been some wailing and gnashing of teeth about both the chosen Successor, and the fact that no one is Pope John Paul II.

But what I find disgusting and troubling is the number of seemingly rational people that are doing basically a 'sky is falling' imitation.  I mean, people, get a life!

There have been no less than a half dozen articles on this site alone (one from someone who registered just to post about armegeddon) that portends the end of the world, either through Prophecy (Nostradamus and Malachy), or the fact that the church is not changing fast enough for some of our selfish and self centered reasons.  And that disgusts me.

It disgusts me that in the space of a week, the Catholic church has fallen from a beacon of hope, peace, love and faith in the modern world, to an institution of hate, bigotry, intolerance, and subversion of the human spirit.

And the new Pope has not said one damn thing yet!  He has not issued one decree, made one edict, subjugated one person, mentioned one vision, nothing!

And yet, now the world is ending, all hope as we knew it is at an end. 

To the rational ones left out there, I have one item of advice to give you.  Quit being an effing Drama Queen!  Stop thinking that because the Catholic Church, who you may or may not be a member of, and indeed you can quit if you are a member of, has to change to suit your model of the world or humanity.

How effing conceited is that?  You, 1 mortal amoung 6 billion, has to dictate the direction of a church of 1.1 billion? Where did you get that ego?  Did it just spring up yesterday morning when you awoke and realized you were the second coming of Christ?

I think all the people that want to condemn this planet out right on the simple action of the election of a new Pope need to step back and take a deep breath.

And I leave you with this thought. What the hell makes you more important than the other 6 billion people on this planet, and who the hell made you God?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 20, 2005
It disgusts me that in the space of a week, the Catholic church has fallen from a beacon of hope, peace, love and faith in the modern world, to an institution of hate, bigotry, intolerance, and subversion of the human spirit.

Just look what or who these criticisms are coming from and don't lose sleep over them... I certainly don't when I get the same.
on Apr 20, 2005
'subjugated one person'

Can you clarify?
on Apr 20, 2005
I found the Malachy Prophecy stuff amusing more than anything else But yeah, people are going nuts over this... Honestly, the Pope has 0 influence on the daily lives of most of the world.
on Apr 20, 2005

Just look what or who these criticisms are coming from and don't lose sleep over them... I certainly don't when I get the same.

Unfortunately Mano, it is coming from some people that I thought were more rational.  I can understand the Aerycks doing it, but some of the others just boggles my mind.

on Apr 20, 2005

'subjugated one person'

Can you clarify?

It had a Predicate - He has not

He has not issued one decree, made one edict, subjugated one person,

Makes sense now?

on Apr 20, 2005
but some of the others just boggles my mind.

Don't let it Doc....I've had my fill of "surprises" here at JU...nothing does anymore...
on Apr 20, 2005
I just ASKED what you meant by subjected.
on Apr 20, 2005

I found the Malachy Prophecy stuff amusing more than anything else But yeah, people are going nuts over this... Honestly, the Pope has 0 influence on the daily lives of most of the world.

Unless you let him.  I Chose to let him, and so he will affect my life.  But that is a choice I freely and openly make.

I really dont mind the prophecy stuff, as I think that is just a Jeanne Dixon game of astrology.  Fun and interesting, but I am not going to sell my portfolio because of it.

It is the other crap, and not all of it on JU, that I blew up over.

I have one more installment, that perhaps only a couple of JU users will know about as a local Radio station did it.

on Apr 20, 2005

I just ASKED what you meant by subjected.

Subjugated, to enslave or bend to ones will by force or through coersion.

on Apr 20, 2005

Don't let it Doc....I've had my fill of "surprises" here at JU...nothing does anymore...

It is not only JU Mano.  As I said above to Zoomba, the local radio talk show host went way over the line yesterday.  It really disturbs me, and I know it should not.

I'll get over it.

on Apr 20, 2005
It is not only JU Mano. have a life outside of JU???
I wish some others did as well
on Apr 20, 2005 have a life outside of JU???

Sure!  And BTW, my wife says thanks for the recipes!

on Apr 20, 2005
Sure! And BTW, my wife says thanks for the recipes!

None of them appealed to me
on Apr 20, 2005
As a catholic who has left the church for its archaic practices...I see Benedict just as he is. A caretaker. I mean, he's 78 years old for one. which means he has maybe 10 years on the throne. I don't see him dragging the church back into the dark ages as many others do. But then again when JP II took the throne everybody thought the church would be revolutionized....It wasn't.

You never know what a pope will do when in power. I think that in Benedict's case it's much ado about nothing. There will be no radical theological shifts because of his personal beliefs. Remember he was JP II's spiritual advisor. I think it will be a continuation of those same policies.

Yep, caretaker seems about right!

on Apr 20, 2005

Yep, caretaker seems about right!

As one who stayed in, and did not agree with Pope JPII on all things (hell, on doctine, not much!), I agree with you.

For the life of me, I just cannot see where all these Chicken littles came from.  And another posted after I wrote this!  Makes you wonder if the only time people are happy is when they are depressed.

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