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It is only against the Constitution if it is Christian
Published on March 30, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

It appears that praying, chanting and promoting a religion is just hunky dory in state schools, sponsored by state employees, as long as it is not Christian:

Medical students in Boca Raton, Florida, recently filled their classroom with the smell of incense and the sound of ancient chants. They lit candles and spoke about the body being the “temple of the soul.” And they did it all “on a state university campus, in facilities funded with . . . tax dollars.”

Did I mention that all this chanting and candle-lighting was in accordance with Buddhist ritual?

Nothing against Buddhist per se, I respect theirs and religions as I do all. But:

The rites followed the final exam in Gross Anatomy on the Florida Atlantic University campus. Students, led by a professor, used them to pay their respects to the four cadavers they had used in class. What the Palm Beach Post called a “solemn closing ritual” ended with the exhortation to “goout and make a new world.”

Seems to me that if I had practiced my religion and given these corpses the last rights, I would be in jail facing multiple charges and Michael Newdow would be fileting my carcass in front of a judge.

Where is the serperation of Church and state that so many liberals are always crying about?  Where is the mainstream media railing about the school trying to convert yutes to a religion?

Where are these voices of fairness and equality?

Silent as the corpses themselves.

Oops, Liberals, your hypocrisy slips are showing.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 30, 2005
Just a technicality, but Buddhism is not really a religion, it's a philosophy. People follow it as a way to find their own inner peace and understanding. You can follow Buddhism and be a Christian (I know a few). People who follow Buddhism do not pray to a "God" or other creator like typical "religions" do. So, that may be why it was "allowed" at that campus.

But I've heard of people "praying to Buddha." That means that there's a deity of some kind involved.
I have a question; was the professor a Buddhist I wonder?

Myrr: I'm sure the school gets grants from the Federal Government just like any other university; therefore they should follow the same guidelines.
Would your stance be the same if the corpses HAD been given Last Rites by a priest or minister?

I don't understand why the Left fears Christianity so much, but doesn't seem to see anything wrong with a religion that has a built-in exhortation to kill all non-believers.
on Mar 30, 2005

But I've heard of people "praying to Buddha." That means that there's a deity of some kind involved.

Buddhism is a path to personal enlightenment. "Buddha" is referred to a lot of times as meaning Siddhartha Gautama, but he was neither the first nor last "Buddha". 

Whenever I have seen Buddhism referred to as a "religion", it's also referred to as being a non-theistic religion.

I guess anything could be considered "religion" if you follow it as a way of life.   ("A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion")

I, personally, am not religious.  But, I don't see any reason to keep Christianity out of schools.  Our laws are based on Christian morality, so why is it so bad in schools?

on Mar 30, 2005
But I've heard of people "praying to Buddha." That means that there's a deity of some kind involved.

Dude, we bow to statues of the Buddha out of respect for Siddartha's enlightenment, but we don't pray to him. He's not a god, he's just a dude.

There are lots of Buddha's running around.....Siddartha wasn't the only one.

Oh, and we are non-theistic.
on Mar 30, 2005
so why is it so bad in schools?

It's not...and if you've followed our nation's cultural and societal history since we let God be kicked out by the secularist Left, you've seen that things have not improved. In fact, things are much, much worse.
The only ones who don't see it are the ones on the Left.
on Mar 30, 2005
Dude, we bow to statues of the Buddha out of respect for Siddartha's enlightenment, but we don't pray to him. He's not a god, he's just a dude.

Then he's not "just a dude".....there's not what you could consider a "divine" enlightenment about him? Then why else would he be someone to so emulate, and to base your entire philosphy of life around him?
Also, and this is just out of curiosity...if he's not the only one, why do I only see statues and pictures of the one?

Why couldn't Jesus be given the same respect and consideration, for his "enlightenment"?
on Mar 30, 2005
Christianity isn't always called a religion. Sometimes, it's called a relationship.
on Mar 30, 2005
Then he's not "just a dude".....there's not what you could consider a "divine" enlightenment about him? Then why else would he be someone to so emulate, and to base your entire philosphy of life around him?

We respect him because he was "just a dude" who attained enlightenment and went through hell to get it. There's nothing divine about it. We base our life philosophy around his teachings because they obviously worked - he attained enlightenment. Buddhism isn't a 'do as I say' kind of gig, it's more of a 'this is what I've found to be true and you might find the same thing' deal.

You see statues of him because he was the first one. However, if you look, you can find statues of, for example, Bodhidharma and Tara's...they were also enlightened beings.

We, as Buddhists, give Jesus his due. In fact, there are quite a few books that have been written about the parallels between Buddha and Christ's teachings.
on Mar 31, 2005
Actually, Philomedy, how about a witch hunt? That, after all, is a threatening tactics Christians have employed before, right? Atleast that is what it would be called if Christian's took a stand for themselves.

So you're so afraid of being called out for something, that you won't even try to change the way things are?

If it is wrong for one, then it is wrong for all. We should not have to threaten anyone. That is what the ACLU and courts are for.

I agree that you should not have to complain to anyone, but the point is that you do. That is where we are at in the world. You can say all you want about the way things should be, but that doesn't change them from what they are. I know that you shouldn't have to. But you still have to.

The Buddists were just the example (I dont fault them from trying to do it), that shows the hypocrisy of the ACLU and the left that fears Christians so much.

Google ACLU and Christians and you'll get a million pages on the ACLU defending Christian students, street preachers, everything.

I did, and I was asked if I wouldn't feel more comfortable with my kids in "Christian School".I told the teacher, "No, I am just fine with my kids in Public School, but I wonder what problem you have with Christians in 'your' school

I'm sorry this happened. This is when stronger measures have to be taken. I hope everything worked out.

I don't understand why the Left fears Christianity so much, but doesn't seem to see anything wrong with a religion that has a built-in exhortation to kill all non-believers.

Which religion is this? And if your answer is a bastardized interpretation of what is otherwise a fine religion, don't even bother to respond.
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