Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on March 26, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

I issued a challenge and no one came, cept some sympathetic others.

It was not a left right issue. It was a humanity issue.  The polls say that 60% of you are against me,  60%.  One would think that at least one of them would come to debate me.

None did.

You are cowards hiding behind your fat bellies and comfortable living.  You know not what you speak of, yet you pontificate all the time.

Simply put, you are cowards, or as Furry Canary has taught me, hypocrites.

Pathetic, and very sad.  As long as you dont pull the switch, you are comfortable with torture and pain.

I just lost all respect for the 'compassionate' Michael dip shits.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 26, 2005
I'd like to align myself with that sentiment.
on Mar 26, 2005
I guess that you are one of those people who, regardless of the findings of the courts, still believe that Mrs Schiavo did not choose to live, or, that her dying peacefully is not preferable to being kept by her parents in, what is tantamount to being, a pet goldfish in a bowl. I guess that you are one of those people who consider that consider that, just because the heart is still beating, someone should not be allowed to die - even though the brain is not there to appreciate that fact.

A quick question. If you had a favourite pet, your best buddy, who was in a permanent vegetative state, would you let him die in peace?
on Mar 26, 2005

I guess that you are one of those people who, regardless of the findings of the courts, still believe that Mrs Schiavo did not choose to live, or, that her dying peacefully is not preferable to being kept by her parents in, what is tantamount to being, a pet goldfish in a bowl. I guess that you are one of those people who consider that consider that, just because the heart is still beating, someone should not be allowed to die - even though the brain is not there to appreciate that fact.

A quick question. If you had a favourite pet, your best buddy, who was in a permanent vegetative state, would you let him die in peace?

Being an anon troll you dont know me even less than the cowards.

The Issue was not her dying with dignity.  Have you ever seen a starving animal dying with dignity?  have you tried it?

She was denied dignity not only by the courts, but by the bastard she married.  Starvation, contrary to what you have heard, is not painless and not dignity.  Instead of torturing her, her bastard of a husband could have ended it.  It has been done. And at least I for 1 (and many others) would have rallied around him even tho we dont like the fact that she died.  But she would have died with dignity and without pain.

instead that insignificant insect chose to starve her to death.  So mr Troll, let me ask you.  How many of your pets or loved ones have you starved to death.  1? 2?  A dozen.

be careful how you answer.  I give you the benefit of the doubt since you are anon.  This time only.

on Mar 26, 2005
Is it inhumane to asphyxiate someone to death? Isn’t it what we do when we pull someone off a respirator? I think you’re the hypocrite since you’re not standing up for them!

The Schiavo case doesn’t have anything new or special. They’ve been removing feeding tubes from people in VERY similar situations since 1983. The only difference here is that her family is opposed to it and some Christian groups have rallied Jesus freaks around it. The ONLY thing you should be asking yourself is whether or not she wanted to live like this. Try to look at it objectively and stop babbling your emotive rhetoric.
on Mar 26, 2005
I submit you are the troll, you come here just spouting insults, no wonder anyone would debate you. But because you are not serious about the issues
and only hearing yourself jack-off, I would have no problem in pulling the switch on you, or watching you in so much pain you beg your husband to pull it. Only
to have your momma put a stop to it.

And speaking of anon, (you busted on someone else) tell us your name and address? Just because you sign up means nothing... just as I thought... Dr. Coward!
on Mar 26, 2005
Instead of torturing her, her bastard of a husband could have ended it. It has been done. And at least I for 1 (and many others) would have rallied around him even tho we dont like the fact that she died. But she would have died with dignity and without pain.

which of your articles contained the challenge?

what exactly are you saying in this paragraph?
on Mar 26, 2005
A quick question. If you had a favourite pet, your best buddy, who was in a permanent vegetative state, would you let him die in peace?

What's peaceful about starvation? What's peaceful about a long, lingering death? There's no peace there. Peaceful would have been letting her go in the first damn place.

I at first was pro-death in this case, but as time has gone on....I've changed my mind. So what if her existence is no better than that of a goldfish in a bowl? How does it affect you? Her parents have been caring for her all these years, why should they be denied the right to do so now?
on Mar 26, 2005

Is it inhumane to asphyxiate someone to death? Isn’t it what we do when we pull someone off a respirator? I think you’re the hypocrite since you’re not standing up for them!

Puling someone off the respirator is not the same thing.  Death is near instantaneous.  Do they suffocate for 2-3 weeks?  You pathetic fool!  I hope you never have to starve to death. So called experts say it is painless!  So why dont you try it.

on Mar 26, 2005

I submit you are the troll, you come here just spouting insults, no wonder anyone would debate you. But because you are not serious about the issues
and only hearing yourself jack-off, I would have no problem in pulling the switch on you, or watching you in so much pain you beg your husband to pull it. Only
to have your momma put a stop to it.

And speaking of anon, (you busted on someone else) tell us your name and address? Just because you sign up means nothing... just as I thought... Dr. Coward!

I come here as named, you come here as a troll. You have no standing.  You are a coward and a troll.  you bring nothing but your vitriol to the conversation.  You would starve your own mother for her inheritance.

You are pathetic and despicable.  Go starve yoru pet rat.  You belong with him in the sewers.


on Mar 26, 2005
which of your articles contained the challenge? what exactly are you saying in this paaragraph?
Starving is not dying with dignity. It is cruel and Unsual and those who salivate over the fact are nothing but sadist. Period. And the Article was in my blog. Look it up.
on Mar 26, 2005

What's peaceful about starvation? What's peaceful about a long, lingering death? There's no peace there. Peaceful would have been letting her go in the first damn place.

I at first was pro-death in this case, but as time has gone on....I've changed my mind. So what if her existence is no better than that of a goldfish in a bowl? How does it affect you? Her parents have been caring for her all these years, why should they be denied the right to do so now?

Thank you Dharma.

on Mar 26, 2005
Puling someone off the respirator is not the same thing. Death is near instantaneous. Do they suffocate for 2-3 weeks? You pathetic fool! I hope you never have to starve to death. So called experts say it is painless! So why dont you try it.

It was nothing more than an exaggerated example to demonstrate that your logic isn't coherent in any way. You’re reacting on your impulses and on your emotions. Did you even bother to read the rest of the response? You should calm down, it’s bad for your blood pressure. And you know what a high blood pressure can lead to...
on Mar 26, 2005
A quick question. If you had a favourite pet, your best buddy, who was in a permanent vegetative state, would you let him die in peace?

THATS the funny part. If your were in Florida where all this if of course occuring, you would be locked up if you denied if food or water--but not a person, that her bastard husband can't prove wanted to die. But lets not let facts get in the way here. Isn't that what courts are for? To deal in facts? The system sure has made a lot of judicial decisions considering there are NO proven facts.
on Mar 26, 2005

It was nothing more than an exaggerated example to demonstrate that your logic isn't coherent in any way. You’re reacting on your impulses and on your emotions. Did you even bother to read the rest of the response? You should calm down, it’s bad for your blood pressure. And you know what a high blood pressure can lead to...

If I calm down, will you starve yourself to death?  I did read and you stil dont understand.  I hope when you go it is quick as no one should be subjected to that. 

I am not mad at you, just sorry that you still fail to see the inhumanity of it.  And hope you never have to face it.

on Mar 26, 2005

A quick question. If you had a favourite pet, your best buddy, who was in a permanent vegetative state, would you let him die in peace?

THATS the funny part. If your were in Florida where all this if of course occuring, you would be locked up if you denied if food or water--but not a person, that her bastard husband can't prove wanted to die. But lets not let facts get in the way here. Isn't that what courts are for? To deal in facts? The system sure has made a lot of judicial decisions considering there are NO proven facts.

Another one who gets it.  And gets an insightful for it. 

Sad as the reality may be.

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