Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Guess they are fed up as well.
Published on March 25, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

China, long a closed society, is about get more closed. 

Before the wailing and gnashing of teeth begins, let us explore how, and why it is not China's fault.  According to the BBC (that bastion of Right wing Conspiracy):

China says it will introduce new measures barring journalists from reporting if they are found to have made up stories or taken bribes.

SO by applying some ethical standards to news reporting in that country (and I am sure to keep it under control), ABC (Talking Point Forgery), CBS (Rathergate), the NY Times (Jason Blair) and the Washington Post (the Crack kid series) are going to get booted if China goes through with what even the USA cannot fault as a bad policy.

Maybe China just wants to read the truth every once in awhile  Come to think of it, so would we.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 25, 2005
What have you been drinking? China who violates property rights and trade agreements. China who controls its population. China that is building a huge milityary (for what purpose). When PIGS FLY!
on Mar 25, 2005

What have you been drinking? China who violates property rights and trade agreements. China who controls its population. China that is building a huge milityary (for what purpose). When PIGS FLY!

You are saying because they do all that, they cannot ban fraudulent Journalist?  What have you been drinking?

on Mar 25, 2005
They are not banning Journalists because they are fraudulent, hell they lie all the time. They want to limit reporting. You would not ban entire news agencies because a story was not true as you view it.
on Mar 25, 2005
I'm assuming this is satire. China LOVES the parts of those outlets that are skewed, lying garbage, since they always seem to post CHINA's perspective on American current events, at least concerning Bush's decisions.

On the other hand what is really provoking this is the coverage of Taiwan, arms sales to China, Chinese nuclear expansion, etc. They can't lie to their citizens if the truth is there.

What they need to do is make a filter that only allows in news stories from these venues that are ABOUT Bush. Think of the millions they'd save writing propaganda.

Hell, terrorists have known that for years...
on Mar 25, 2005
well it seems the chinese have more sense than americans banning the elite liberals from spreading there poison makes perfect sense to me. HA!!
on Mar 25, 2005

I'm assuming this is satire. China LOVES the parts of those outlets that are skewed, lying garbage, since they always seem to post CHINA's perspective on American current events, at least concerning Bush's decisions.

You assume correctly and that gets you an insightful!  Let Col Klink rant away!  I thought it was hilarious that if China did what it said it would do (which we know they are really doing what you explained), those outifts would be booted!

on Mar 25, 2005

well it seems the chinese have more sense than americans banning the elite liberals from spreading there poison makes perfect sense to me. HA!!

If only they would!  maybe then the clowns at the MSM would quit slanting the news and start reporting it.

on Mar 25, 2005
it is amazing how conservatives see everything as either liberal or conservative. Is it possible for a conservative to complete a sentence without blasting what they term as liberals? I am certainly not a liberal simply because I don't agree with the idiocy of the conservative philosophy of running as into the ground with debt and a trade policy that's killing our industries. The Republican Party that I was part of balanced the budget and keep your nose out of other people's affairs. I guess that party is dead
on Mar 25, 2005

it is amazing how conservatives see everything as either liberal or conservative. Is it possible for a conservative to complete a sentence without blasting what they term as liberals? I am certainly not a liberal simply because I don't agree with the idiocy of the conservative philosophy of running as into the ground with debt and a trade policy that's killing our industries. The Republican Party that I was part of balanced the budget and keep your nose out of other people's affairs. I guess that party is dead

Umm, Check me on this Col Klink, but where is the word Liberal in the article or my comments?  Come to think of it, where is the word Conservative?  come to think of it, did you read the article and this blog, or just fly off the handle as usual?

You may not be liberal, but your IQ sure is in question.

on Mar 25, 2005
Goodness, Colonel. If you'll do a word search on the comments and the article, you'll find the first use of "conservative" is by you, and the first use of "liberal" is by Moderateman in reference to the media outlets.

No-one called you a liberal here. You are however an ideologue, so obsessed with your personal white whale that you can't correctly decipher what you are reading.

The article was a commentary on the state of the news media. China was a convenient, but irrelevant, tool to make that commentary.
on Mar 25, 2005

The article was a commentary on the state of the news media. China was a convenient, but irrelevant, tool to make that commentary.

I thought it was ironic and amusing! Not irrelevant.

on Mar 25, 2005
Knowing who is making the comments, it is not necessary to see the word conservative.If you really want to see some bias, take a look at FOX. Yes I see what China was used for. Irrelevant is something many of you have mastered.
on Mar 25, 2005
Knowing who is making the comments, it is not necessary to see the word conservative.If you really want to see some bias, take a look at FOX. Yes I see what China was used for. Irrelevant is something many of you have mastered.

Ah! The Great Karnac has spoken! he reads thoughts now!

Better get that short circuit corrected, cause as usual Col Klink, Hogan has gotten you again!
on Mar 25, 2005
No offense meant, DG.

"Irrelevant" only in the sense that it's not necessary for your core message. You could plug anything in there and make your point. China was the just the vehicle, MSM was the passenger. You could have had MSM riding in a Ferrari, an SUV, or a donkey cart. The vehicle is secondary to the person.

Our good Colonel couldn't see the passenger for the car. It's like Howard Hughes rode up in a rusting apart Model-A and someone sneered, "Someone outta throw that bum and his car in the dump where they belong." They totally miss it.

You've written plenty of articles about news media malfeasance without China. The China angle just gave you one more vehicle to drive it home with.

Or, contrary to Marshall Mcluhan, the medium is not the message.
on Mar 25, 2005

You've written plenty of articles about news media malfeasance without China. The China angle just gave you one more vehicle to drive it home with.

Oh Poo!  You steal all the fun!  Yes, you have nailed me.  That is my windmill, and I am Don Quixote.

But it was so much fun!

Ok, I will behave....{sulk}

NOT!  hehehehehe

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