ABC news in an 'exclusive' story try to pawn off an obviously forged memo that purported to show the GOP talking points over the Schiavo issue.
The problem is, Just like Dan Rather 6 months ago, it was a forgery.
Now this brings up 2 interesting lessons.
First, for the people so inclined to believe that the Mainstream Media is not biased (or for the loony loopy luddite lefties that believe it is right wing), this clearly demonstrates that 2 of them are so anxious to get dirt on conservatives that they throw fact checking to the wind (this was an easy fact check that they could have verified in about 10 minutes). And clearly to all except the loony loopy luddite left, it shows that they are indeed biased for liberals.
Second, it also goes to provide additional data for the contention that you cannot tell or teach liberals anything. After the Rathergate fiasco, one would assume that those in a similar situation would be extra careful. One would assume, and one would be wrong. For that assumption contains sub assumptions.
1. That Liberals can learn from their mistakes
2. That liberals would listen to someone not a liberal.
Both of which are being shown to be patently wrong.
After being wrong for so many years on virtually every issue, that should have given people the clue that Liberals and MSM only glorify mistakes, and never admit them.
Sad in a way as all the carictures of Liberals are being PROVEN true.