John Kerry and Hillary Clinton are trying to over turn the constitution, not by eht elegal means of amending it, but the way congress has been doing of late, by legislative fiat.
They want to restore the rights of all felons, regardless of their previous crimes, to be able to vote, even tho that is clearly a violation of the contstitutional clause that gives that right to the states ("the Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections," ).
Their arguements are lame, and indeed bordering on racist. Their supporters claim that a majority of felons are black, when the actual fact is only about 1/3 are, still a high percentage.
But regardless of whether a minority or majority are one race or another, the US Constitution explicitly gave the right to the states to determine if convicted felons could vote. And before some liberals start yelling Jim Crow or racists, this was granted by the 14th amendments and most of the laws in the southern states were written by the Republican occupiers of the mid 19th century. Long before Citizens were again allowed to govern themselves.
No, this is just a blantant and underhanded attack on all the citizens of the US by the elite liberal leaders. Who care nothing for the rights of average citizens, or even of their constitutents, as long as they can maintain and grow their power.
Someone called Hillary a moderate. A Moderate? Only in some liberals far left mind. She is the epitome of Grima Wormtongue, and the 'king' are the ones who allow her to whisper her poison in their ears. Time to wake up people. Hillary only cares about 1 person. Hillary Rodham. Period. Kerry is just her willing and idiot dupe.